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Aesthetic Smiles Dental Spa

  • 155 Fosse Road North
  • Leicester
  • LE3 5EZ
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Wand Pain-free injections

To combat this, we use The Wand, a specially-designed system that delivers pain-free injections and minimises the bee-sting sensation when you need a local anaesthetic. What’s more, it doesn’t even look like a needle!

The Wand has been specially designed to deliver anaesthetic in a controlled manner. It is computer-controlled and is shaped like a pen, bringing the delivery of anaesthetic in dentistry into the 21st Century.

Many patients believe that the bee-sting effect they experience with traditional syringe-based injections is caused by the skin being pierced. However, this is not actually the case. The uncomfortable sensation is in fact caused by the anaesthetic being delivered too quickly. The Wand takes away the margin for human error and delivers anaesthetic at low pressure and slow rate, making it both pain-free and more effective than traditional dental injections.

Because it is shaped like a pen, The Wand also helps patients who are phobic of needles. It’s not just the actual injection that causes fear – even the sight of a syringe can cause phobic patients to panic. The pen shape of the device helps to combat this.

The pen is connected to a tower-shaped machine that controls delivery of the anaesthetic. The anaesthetic itself is held in a small cartridge on top of the machine which is connected to the pen by a tube. Your dentist starts the machine by using a foot pedal and can then focus all attention on holding the pen in the correct position to deliver the anaesthetic.

With The Wand it is also possible to numb just the tooth that needs treating, meaning that you will no longer have the problem of numb lips and tongue affecting your ability to eat and drink in the hours after treatment. The sensation is so different from a traditional dental injection that many patients don’t even realise they have been injected until their tooth starts to numb.

The cartridge holder, delivery tube and pen are all single-use disposable parts for maximum hygiene. Many patients who were previously afraid of dental injections have been pleasantly surprised by the pain-free injection experience of The Wand.


THE WAND LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Wand, and how does it differ from traditional dental injections?

The Wand: A Revolutionary Anaesthetic Delivery System

The Wand is a computerised local anaesthetic delivery system that represents a significant advancement in dental technology. This innovative device offers a more precise and comfortable method of administering local anaesthesia compared to traditional syringes.

Computerised flow control

The Wand utilises advanced technology to regulate the flow of anaesthetic, ensuring a consistent and controlled delivery throughout the procedure.

Single-tooth anaesthesia

This precision allows for targeted numbing of individual teeth, minimising unnecessary anaesthesia to surrounding areas.

Differences from Traditional Dental Injections

The Wand’s approach to anaesthesia delivery sets it apart from conventional methods in several key aspects:

Ergonomic design

Unlike the bulky traditional syringes, The Wand features a sleek, pen-like handpiece that offers improved manoeuvrability and control for the dentist.

Reduced discomfort

The system’s controlled flow and pressure help minimise the pain and anxiety often associated with dental injections.

The Wand’s Anaesthetic Delivery Process

The way The Wand administers local anaesthetic is fundamentally different from traditional methods:

Gradual administration

The Wand delivers the anaesthetic solution slowly and steadily, which can significantly reduce the sensation of pressure and discomfort.

Precise dosage control

The computerised system ensures that the exact amount of anaesthetic is delivered, reducing the risk of over-anaesthetisation.

Patient Benefits of The Wand

Patients often experience numerous advantages when dentists use The Wand for local anaesthesia:

Reduced anxiety

The less intimidating appearance and gentler administration can help alleviate dental phobias and anxiety.

Faster onset of numbness

The controlled delivery often results in quicker numbing of the targeted area, potentially reducing overall treatment time.

The Wand represents a significant leap forward in dental anaesthesia technology. By offering a more comfortable, precise, and patient-friendly alternative to traditional injections, it’s revolutionising the way local anaesthesia is administered in dental practices across the UK.

Is The Wand available at all dental practices in the UK?

Availability of The Wand in UK Dental Practices

The Wand, an innovative computerised local anaesthetic delivery system, is not universally available at all dental practices in the UK. Its adoption varies across different regions and individual dental clinics.

Growing popularity

Despite not being ubiquitous, The Wand is gaining traction in many forward-thinking dental surgeries across the country.

Specialised equipment

As a advanced piece of dental technology, The Wand requires specific training and investment, which influences its availability.

Factors Affecting Wand Availability

Several factors contribute to whether a dental practice offers The Wand as an anaesthetic option:

Practice size and resources

Larger practices or dental centres may be more likely to invest in The Wand due to greater financial resources and patient volume.

Practitioner preference

Some dentists may prefer traditional methods, while others eagerly adopt new technologies like The Wand to enhance patient comfort.

Finding a Dentist with The Wand

If you’re specifically interested in receiving treatment using The Wand, there are several ways to locate a practice that offers this technology:

Direct enquiry

Contacting local dental practices directly and asking about The Wand availability is often the most straightforward approach.

Online research

Many dental practices highlight their use of advanced technologies like The Wand on their websites or social media profiles.

The Wand as a Differentiator

For dental practices, offering The Wand can serve as a unique selling point:

Patient-centred care

Clinics that invest in The Wand often emphasise their commitment to patient comfort and advanced dental techniques.

Specialised treatments

Some practices may use The Wand for specific procedures or patient groups, such as those with dental anxiety or complex dental needs.

Future Outlook for The Wand in UK Dentistry

The landscape of dental technology is continuously evolving, and The Wand’s presence in UK dental practices is likely to change:

Increasing adoption

As awareness of The Wand’s benefits grows among both practitioners and patients, more dental practices may choose to incorporate this technology.

Technological advancements

Future iterations of The Wand or similar devices may become more accessible, potentially leading to wider availability across UK dental practices.

While The Wand is not available in every dental practice in the UK, its presence is growing. Patients interested in experiencing this advanced anaesthetic delivery system should enquire with local dental clinics or seek out practices known for adopting innovative dental technologies.

Does using The Wand hurt less than conventional dental injections?

The Wand’s Pain Reduction Mechanism

The Wand is designed to minimise pain and discomfort during the administration of local anaesthesia, often resulting in a less painful experience compared to conventional dental injections.

Controlled flow rate

The Wand’s computerised system delivers anaesthetic at a slow, steady pace, reducing the pressure that can cause pain during traditional injections.

Precise delivery

By targeting specific areas with greater accuracy, The Wand can often achieve effective anaesthesia with less overall anaesthetic, potentially reducing post-procedure discomfort.

Comparing The Wand to Traditional Syringes

Several factors contribute to The Wand’s reputation for being less painful than conventional methods:

Needle gauge

The Wand typically uses a very fine needle, which can result in less tissue damage and reduced sensation during insertion.

Ergonomic design

The pen-like shape of The Wand allows for more precise control, potentially leading to gentler insertion and less discomfort for patients.

Patient Perception and The Wand

Pain perception can be subjective and influenced by various factors beyond the physical sensation:

Reduced anxiety

The Wand’s less intimidating appearance compared to traditional syringes may help alleviate dental anxiety, indirectly reducing perceived pain.

Distraction technique

Some dentists use The Wand in conjunction with distraction methods, which can further minimise the patient’s focus on potential discomfort.

Clinical Studies on The Wand’s Pain Reduction

Research has been conducted to evaluate The Wand’s effectiveness in reducing pain:

Comparative analyses

Several studies have compared pain levels reported by patients receiving anaesthesia via The Wand versus traditional methods, often showing favourable results for The Wand.

Patient preference

Many clinical trials indicate that patients, when given a choice, often prefer The Wand for future treatments due to reduced discomfort.

Individual Variations in Pain Experience

It’s important to note that pain perception can vary from person to person:

Personal pain threshold

Individual sensitivity to pain and previous dental experiences can influence how a patient perceives The Wand compared to traditional injections.

Anatomical differences

The effectiveness of The Wand in reducing pain may vary depending on the specific area of the mouth being treated and the individual’s oral anatomy.

The Wand’s Role in Comprehensive Pain Management

While The Wand can significantly reduce injection-related discomfort, it’s part of a broader approach to pain management in modern dentistry:

Topical anaesthetics

Used in conjunction with The Wand, these can further minimise initial needle insertion discomfort.

Behavioural techniques

Dentists may combine The Wand with relaxation methods or other pain management strategies for optimal patient comfort.

Many patients report that The Wand provides a less painful experience compared to conventional dental injections. Its controlled delivery system, combined with its potential to reduce anxiety, often results in a more comfortable anaesthetic administration process. However, individual experiences may vary, and patients should discuss their concerns and preferences with their dentist to determine the most suitable anaesthetic approach for their needs.

How long does the numbing effect from The Wand last?

Duration of Anaesthesia with The Wand

The numbing effect from The Wand is similar to that of traditional local anaesthetic injections. The duration can vary depending on several factors, but typically lasts between two to four hours.

Precise delivery

The Wand’s computerised system allows for more accurate anaesthetic placement, which can influence the duration of numbness.

Anaesthetic type

Different anaesthetic solutions used with The Wand may have varying durations of action.

Factors Affecting Numbing Duration

Several elements can impact how long the anaesthetic effect lasts when administered via The Wand:

Individual metabolism

A person’s unique physiology can affect how quickly their body processes and eliminates the anaesthetic.

Treatment area

The location in the mouth where The Wand is used can influence numbing duration due to differences in blood flow and tissue density.

The Wand’s Precision and Numbing Duration

The Wand’s technology allows for more controlled anaesthetic delivery, which can affect the duration of numbness:

Targeted anaesthesia

By precisely numbing specific teeth or areas, The Wand may reduce the overall amount of anaesthetic needed, potentially leading to a shorter duration of numbness in surrounding tissues.

Consistent flow rate

The steady delivery of anaesthetic may result in more predictable numbing duration compared to manual injections.

Comparing The Wand to Traditional Methods

While The Wand offers benefits in terms of comfort and precision, the duration of its numbing effect is generally comparable to conventional injections:

Onset of numbness

The Wand may provide faster onset of anaesthesia due to its controlled delivery, but this doesn’t necessarily extend the duration of numbness.

Recovery time

Patients might experience a more comfortable return of sensation as the anaesthetic wears off, due to The Wand’s precise application.

Managing Post-Procedure Numbness

Dentists using The Wand can help patients manage the duration of numbness:

Customised dosage

The Wand allows for fine-tuned anaesthetic administration, potentially tailoring the duration to the specific procedure.

Patient guidance

Dentists can provide advice on how to safely navigate the period of numbness following treatment with The Wand.

The Wand and Prolonged Numbness

In some cases, patients may experience longer-lasting numbness:

Extended procedures

For lengthy dental treatments, The Wand may be used to administer additional anaesthetic, extending the overall duration of numbness.

Individual sensitivity

Some patients might naturally experience longer-lasting effects from anaesthetics, regardless of the delivery method.

The numbing effect from The Wand typically lasts as long as traditional anaesthetic injections, usually between two to four hours. However, the precise duration can vary based on individual factors and the specific dental procedure. The Wand’s technology allows for more controlled anaesthetic delivery, which may contribute to a more comfortable experience both during and after the numbness wears off. Patients should discuss any concerns about anaesthetic duration with their dentist, who can provide personalised information based on the planned treatment and individual needs.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with The Wand?

Common Side Effects of The Wand

While The Wand is designed to minimise discomfort, some patients may experience mild side effects similar to those associated with traditional local anaesthetic injections:

Temporary numbness

The anaesthetic delivered by The Wand may cause numbness extending beyond the treated area, potentially affecting the lips, tongue, or cheek for a few hours.

Post-procedure soreness

Some patients might experience minor tenderness at the injection site, which typically subsides within a day or two.

Rare Risks Associated with The Wand

Although infrequent, there are some risks to be aware of when using The Wand:

Allergic reactions

As with any anaesthetic, there’s a small risk of an allergic response to the solution used in The Wand, ranging from mild to severe.

Nerve damage

In extremely rare cases, the needle used with The Wand could potentially cause temporary or permanent nerve damage, although this risk is lower than with traditional syringes due to The Wand’s precise control.

The Wand’s Safety Features

The Wand incorporates several safety mechanisms to minimise risks:

Controlled flow rate

The computerised system regulates anaesthetic delivery, reducing the risk of over-administration and associated complications.

Aspiration detection

Some models of The Wand can detect blood vessel entry, allowing the dentist to reposition the needle if necessary, reducing the risk of intravascular injection.

Comparing The Wand to Traditional Methods

When assessing the risks of The Wand, it’s important to consider how it compares to conventional injection techniques:

Reduced tissue damage

The Wand’s precise delivery system may result in less tissue trauma compared to traditional syringes, potentially lowering the risk of post-procedure discomfort.

Anaesthetic dosage

The Wand’s ability to deliver smaller, more accurate doses of anaesthetic may reduce the likelihood of side effects related to excessive anaesthetic use.

Patient-Specific Considerations

Certain factors may influence an individual’s risk of experiencing side effects or complications with The Wand:

Medical history

Patients with certain medical conditions or those taking specific medications may have an altered risk profile when receiving anaesthesia via The Wand.

Previous reactions

Individuals who have experienced adverse reactions to dental anaesthetics in the past should inform their dentist before treatment with The Wand.

Minimising Risks with The Wand

Dentists take several precautions to ensure patient safety when using The Wand:

Proper training

Dental professionals receive specific training on The Wand’s use, enhancing their ability to administer anaesthesia safely and effectively.

Patient assessment

A thorough review of the patient’s medical history and individual needs helps dentists tailor the use of The Wand to each person’s specific circumstances.

The Wand is generally considered a safe and effective method for delivering dental anaesthesia. While it may share some of the mild side effects and rare risks associated with traditional anaesthetic injections, its precise control and delivery system often result in a more comfortable experience with potentially fewer complications. As with any dental procedure, patients should discuss any concerns or questions about The Wand with their dentist to ensure they receive the most appropriate and safe treatment for their individual needs.


Is The Wand suitable for children or patients with dental anxiety?

The Wand’s Suitability for Children

The Wand is often considered an excellent option for paediatric dentistry due to its gentle and controlled anaesthetic delivery system.

Child-friendly design

The pen-like appearance of The Wand is less intimidating than traditional syringes, potentially reducing anxiety in young patients.

Precise dosage control

The Wand’s ability to administer small, accurate doses of anaesthetic is particularly beneficial for children, who may require less anaesthetic than adults.

Benefits for Anxious Patients

Patients with dental anxiety often find The Wand to be a more comfortable and less stressful option for receiving local anaesthesia.

Reduced pain perception

The Wand’s controlled flow rate and pressure can minimise discomfort during anaesthetic administration, addressing a common source of dental anxiety.

Visual comfort

The less clinical appearance of The Wand compared to traditional syringes can help alleviate anxiety triggered by the sight of dental instruments.

The Wand’s Anxiety-Reducing Features

Several aspects of The Wand’s design and functionality contribute to its suitability for anxious patients:

Slow-onset anaesthesia

The gradual administration of anaesthetic can provide a more comfortable experience, reducing the sudden numbness that some patients find disconcerting.

Single-tooth anaesthesia

The Wand’s precision allows for numbing individual teeth, potentially reducing the overall area affected and lessening the unfamiliar sensation of numbness.

Paediatric Dentistry and The Wand

In paediatric dental care, The Wand offers several advantages:

Improved cooperation

Children often find The Wand less frightening, which can lead to better cooperation during dental procedures.

Positive dental experiences

By reducing discomfort and anxiety, The Wand can help create more positive associations with dental visits for young patients.

The Wand and Dental Phobia Management

For patients with severe dental anxiety or phobias, The Wand can be an integral part of a comprehensive anxiety management strategy:

Gradual exposure

Dentists can use The Wand as part of a step-by-step approach to help patients overcome their fears of injections and dental procedures.

Complementary techniques

The Wand can be used alongside other anxiety-reducing methods such as distraction techniques or relaxation exercises for maximum effect.

Patient Education and The Wand

Educating patients about The Wand can further enhance its anxiety-reducing benefits:

Technology explanation

Understanding how The Wand works can demystify the anaesthetic process for both children and anxious adults.

Sensory preparation

Dentists can describe the sensations associated with The Wand, helping patients, especially children, know what to expect.

Limitations and Considerations

While The Wand is generally suitable for children and anxious patients, there are some factors to consider:

Individual preferences

Some patients may still prefer traditional methods, and dentists should be prepared to offer alternatives.

Treatment requirements

Certain dental procedures may require specific anaesthetic techniques that might limit the use of The Wand in some cases.

The Wand has proven to be an excellent tool for administering local anaesthesia to children and patients with dental anxiety. Its design and functionality address many common sources of dental fear, potentially leading to more positive dental experiences. By offering a less intimidating and more comfortable anaesthetic delivery method, The Wand can help improve patient cooperation and reduce anxiety in dental settings. Dentists can discuss the option of using The Wand with patients or parents to determine if it’s the most suitable choice for their individual needs and concerns.

How much does treatment with The Wand typically cost?

Understanding The Wand’s Cost Structure

The cost of treatment using The Wand can vary depending on several factors. Generally, dental practices may incorporate the cost of using The Wand into their overall treatment fees rather than charging separately for its use.

Integrated pricing

Many dentists include The Wand as part of their standard anaesthetic delivery, without additional charges.

Premium service

Some practices may offer The Wand as a premium option, potentially incurring a small additional fee.

Factors Influencing The Wand’s Cost

Several elements can affect the cost associated with using The Wand for dental treatments:

Practice location

Dental clinics in urban areas or affluent neighbourhoods may have higher overall fees, which could impact the cost of treatments using The Wand.

Complexity of procedure

More complex dental procedures requiring multiple injections or longer treatment times may result in higher costs associated with The Wand’s use.

The Wand as Part of Overall Treatment Costs

When considering the cost of treatment with The Wand, it’s important to view it in the context of the entire dental procedure:

Comprehensive fee structure

Many dental practices include The Wand’s use within their standard treatment fees, rather than itemising it separately.

Value-added service

Some dentists may promote The Wand as a value-added service, enhancing the overall patient experience without significantly impacting costs.

Comparing Costs: The Wand vs Traditional Methods

When evaluating the cost of treatment with The Wand, it’s useful to compare it to traditional anaesthetic delivery methods:

Minimal price difference

In many cases, the cost difference between using The Wand and traditional syringes is negligible or non-existent.

Long-term benefits

Any slight increase in cost may be offset by the improved comfort and reduced anxiety, potentially encouraging regular dental visits.

The Wand and Private Dental Care

In the UK, The Wand is typically offered as part of private dental care:

Private practice availability

Most dental clinics offering The Wand are private practices, where fees are set by individual dentists or dental groups.

Customised treatment plans

Private dentists may offer personalised treatment plans incorporating The Wand, with costs varying based on individual patient needs.

Discussing Costs with Your Dentist

To get an accurate understanding of the costs associated with The Wand, it’s best to consult directly with your dental practice:

Transparent pricing

Reputable dentists will provide clear information about any additional costs associated with using The Wand.

Treatment estimates

Dental practices can provide detailed treatment plans and cost estimates, including the use of The Wand, before proceeding with any procedures.

Considering Value over Cost

When evaluating the cost of treatment with The Wand, it’s important to consider the overall value it provides:

Improved comfort

The potential for a more comfortable experience may justify any small additional cost for many patients, especially those with dental anxiety.

Long-term oral health

If The Wand encourages regular dental visits by reducing anxiety, it could contribute to better long-term oral health, potentially reducing future treatment costs.

The cost of treatment with The Wand can vary depending on the dental practice and the specific procedure being performed. In many cases, its use is incorporated into standard treatment fees without additional charges. While some practices may offer it as a premium option with a small extra fee, the improved comfort and reduced anxiety it provides can offer significant value. To get accurate pricing information, it’s best to consult directly with your dentist, who can provide a detailed treatment plan and cost estimate tailored to your specific needs.

Can The Wand be used for all types of dental procedures?

The Wand’s Versatility in Dental Procedures

The Wand is a highly versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of dental procedures requiring local anaesthesia. Its computerised delivery system makes it suitable for various treatments across different areas of the mouth.

Restorative dentistry

The Wand excels in procedures such as fillings, crown preparations, and inlays/onlays, where precise anaesthesia is crucial for patient comfort.

Endodontic treatments

Root canal therapies benefit from The Wand’s ability to provide targeted anaesthesia, especially in cases of inflamed pulp.

The Wand in Routine Dental Care

For many common dental procedures, The Wand offers an excellent alternative to traditional syringes:

Dental hygiene treatments

The Wand can be used for deep cleaning procedures like scaling and root planing, where anaesthesia may be necessary for patient comfort.

Tooth extractions

Simple extractions can benefit from The Wand’s precise delivery, ensuring adequate numbing of the specific tooth and surrounding tissues.

Advanced Dental Procedures and The Wand

The Wand’s technology also makes it suitable for more complex dental treatments:

Periodontal surgeries

Gum-related procedures, such as gingival grafts or pocket reduction surgeries, can utilise The Wand for targeted anaesthesia delivery.

Dental implant placement

The Wand’s precise control allows for effective anaesthesia during implant surgeries, enhancing patient comfort throughout the procedure.

Limitations of The Wand in Dental Procedures

While The Wand is highly versatile, there are some situations where alternative methods might be preferred:

General anaesthesia cases

Procedures requiring general anaesthesia or deep sedation typically do not involve The Wand, as these require different anaesthetic techniques.

Emergency situations

In some urgent dental scenarios, traditional injection methods might be favoured due to their familiarity and speed of administration.

The Wand’s Suitability for Different Patient Groups

The Wand’s design makes it particularly beneficial for certain patient demographics:

Paediatric dentistry

Children often find The Wand less intimidating, making it an excellent choice for various paediatric dental procedures.

Anxious patients

Adults with dental anxiety may prefer The Wand for its gentler approach to anaesthesia delivery across various treatments.

Customising Anaesthesia with The Wand

One of The Wand’s key advantages is its ability to tailor anaesthetic delivery to specific procedures:

Single-tooth anaesthesia

The Wand excels in numbing individual teeth, making it ideal for treatments focused on a single tooth or a small area.

Palatal injections

Notoriously uncomfortable palatal injections can be made more tolerable with The Wand’s controlled flow and pressure.

The Wand in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dental procedures can also benefit from The Wand’s precise anaesthetic delivery:

Veneer preparations

The Wand’s ability to provide targeted numbing is particularly useful when preparing teeth for veneers, ensuring patient comfort without affecting surrounding areas.

Teeth whitening

For patients with sensitive teeth undergoing in-office whitening, The Wand can deliver localised anaesthesia to enhance comfort during the procedure.

The Wand is a remarkably versatile tool that can be used for a wide array of dental procedures. Its precision, controlled delivery, and patient-friendly design make it suitable for everything from routine check-ups to complex oral surgeries. While there may be some situations where alternative anaesthetic methods are preferred, The Wand’s adaptability allows it to be used in most dental treatments requiring local anaesthesia. Dentists can assess each patient’s needs and the specific procedure requirements to determine if The Wand is the most appropriate anaesthetic delivery method for optimal patient comfort and treatment efficacy.

How long has The Wand been in use in British dental practices?

Introduction of The Wand to UK Dentistry

The Wand, a computerised local anaesthetic delivery system, was introduced to British dental practices in the late 1990s, following its initial launch in the United States.

Early adoption

Some forward-thinking UK dentists began incorporating The Wand into their practices shortly after its international release, recognising its potential to improve patient comfort.

Gradual integration

The adoption of The Wand in British dentistry has been a gradual process, with its use becoming more widespread over the past two decades.

The Wand’s Evolution in UK Dental Care

Since its introduction, The Wand has undergone several iterations and improvements, enhancing its effectiveness and popularity among British dentists.

Technological advancements

Successive versions of The Wand have incorporated feedback from dental professionals, leading to enhanced features and usability.

Increased awareness

As more UK dentists have become familiar with The Wand’s benefits, its prevalence in British dental practices has grown steadily.

Factors Influencing The Wand’s Adoption in the UK

Several factors have contributed to the increasing use of The Wand in British dental practices over the years:

Patient demand

Growing awareness among patients about pain-free dentistry options has led to increased requests for The Wand in UK dental clinics.

Professional education

Dental schools and continuing education programmes have increasingly included training on The Wand, familiarising new generations of British dentists with the technology.

The Wand in Modern British Dentistry

Today, The Wand has become a common sight in many UK dental practices, particularly those focused on patient comfort and advanced technology.

Speciality adoption

Certain dental specialities, such as paediatric dentistry and practices catering to anxious patients, have been particularly enthusiastic adopters of The Wand.

Private practice integration

Many private dental clinics in the UK now offer The Wand as a premium service, highlighting its benefits in their patient communications.

The Wand’s Impact on UK Dental Procedures

Over its years of use in British dentistry, The Wand has influenced various aspects of dental care:

Anaesthetic techniques

The precision offered by The Wand has allowed UK dentists to refine their approach to local anaesthesia, particularly for complex procedures.

Patient experience

Many British dental practices have reported improved patient satisfaction and reduced anxiety levels since incorporating The Wand into their services.

Future Outlook for The Wand in UK Dentistry

As The Wand continues to evolve, its role in British dental practices is likely to expand further:

Technological integration

Future developments may see The Wand integrated with other digital dentistry technologies, further enhancing its capabilities in UK dental clinics.

Widespread accessibility

As awareness and demand grow, The Wand may become increasingly available in a broader range of UK dental practices, including NHS services.

The Wand has been a part of British dentistry for over two decades, with its presence steadily growing since its introduction in the late 1990s. While initially adopted by a select few forward-thinking practitioners, it has gradually become a more common fixture in UK dental clinics, particularly in private practices and speciality fields. The technology’s evolution, coupled with increasing awareness among both dentists and patients, has solidified The Wand’s place in modern British dental care. As dental technology continues to advance, The Wand is likely to play an increasingly prominent role in enhancing patient comfort and improving the delivery of local anaesthesia in dental practices across the United Kingdom.

Are there any situations where The Wand cannot be used?

Medical Contraindications for The Wand

While The Wand is suitable for most dental procedures requiring local anaesthesia, there are certain medical situations where its use may be contraindicated:

Allergies to local anaesthetics

Patients with known allergies to local anaesthetic solutions cannot use The Wand, as it delivers the same types of anaesthetics used in traditional injections.

Bleeding disorders

In some cases of severe bleeding disorders, the dentist may opt for alternative pain management methods to minimise the risk of prolonged bleeding at the injection site.

The Wand and Specific Dental Conditions

Certain oral health conditions may limit the use of The Wand:

Acute oral infections

In cases of severe oral infections or abscesses, The Wand might not be suitable as the infection can interfere with the effectiveness of local anaesthesia.

Extensive tissue damage

Areas with significant tissue damage or inflammation may not respond well to The Wand’s targeted delivery method, requiring alternative anaesthetic approaches.

Procedural Limitations of The Wand

Some dental procedures may not be compatible with The Wand’s delivery system:

General anaesthesia cases

Procedures requiring general anaesthesia or deep sedation typically do not involve The Wand, as these require different anaesthetic techniques.

Complex maxillofacial surgeries

Extensive oral and maxillofacial surgeries may require anaesthetic methods beyond the scope of The Wand’s localised delivery system.

Patient-Specific Situations Limiting The Wand’s Use

Individual patient factors can sometimes preclude the use of The Wand:

Needle phobia

While The Wand is designed to be less intimidating, patients with severe needle phobia may still struggle with its use, necessitating alternative anxiety management techniques.

Anatomical variations

In rare cases, a patient’s unique oral anatomy might make it challenging to use The Wand effectively, requiring traditional injection methods instead.

Emergency Dental Situations and The Wand

In some urgent dental scenarios, The Wand might not be the preferred choice:

Time-critical procedures

When immediate action is required, such as in severe dental trauma cases, dentists might opt for faster traditional injection methods over The Wand’s controlled delivery system.

Equipment availability

In emergency settings where The Wand system is not readily available, dentists will use conventional anaesthetic delivery methods.

Technological Constraints of The Wand

There are some situations where technological factors may limit The Wand’s use:

Power outages

As The Wand relies on electrical power, it cannot be used during power failures unless a backup power source is available.

Equipment malfunction

In the rare event of a malfunction with The Wand system, dentists would need to revert to traditional anaesthetic delivery methods.

The Wand and Paediatric Dentistry Considerations

While generally suitable for children, there are some paediatric scenarios where The Wand might not be the best choice:

Uncooperative patients

Very young or uncooperative children who cannot remain still during the procedure may not be suitable candidates for The Wand’s precise delivery system.

Developmental issues

Children with certain developmental disorders might struggle with The Wand’s delivery process, requiring alternative anaesthetic approaches.

While The Wand is a versatile and widely applicable anaesthetic delivery system, there are situations where its use may not be possible or advisable. These range from medical contraindications and specific dental conditions to procedural limitations and patient-specific factors. In such cases, dentists are well-equipped to use alternative anaesthetic methods to ensure patient comfort and safety during dental procedures. It’s always best to discuss your individual circumstances with your dentist to determine the most appropriate anaesthetic approach for your specific needs.

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"Really pleased with how white my teeth are after coming here. My husband told me to get it sorted as they've been discol..."

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Victoria Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Loving the results of the smile makeover and veneers and would have no doubt about returning for any kind of repeat trea..."

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Antoinette Daley

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Yesterday I was at the dentist having the first part of my implants put in place. The staff were very kind and really lo..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was worried about having a crown fitted and a couple of fillings but found the whole experience a lot better than I th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I came back to the dentist after a while as they promised to do another crown for me because of the first bad crown I ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I feel really proud of my front tooth after a number of years neglecting it. It basically had a fractured root and my us..."

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Tina Harris

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 2 years now after an incident that resulted in the roots holding my 20 y..."

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Alistair Stewart

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 7 years now, I travel from derby and I’ve had very comfortable treatme..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""I came to Aesthetic Smiles as I had an issue with my front teeth after falling off my bike when I was a child and it pu..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Unfortunately I had a couple of missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene when I was a younger. Having looked at my options..."

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Gilly F

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Overall a great practice, helpful reception staff, dentist come across knowledgeable and therefore made you feel like yo..."

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May K

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The team at Aesthetic Smiles are really great at putting me at ease and answering all my questions. I’ve had a few pro..."

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Lucy Stevens

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Great service. Very clean and modern clinic with cutting edge equipment. Highly recommend."

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William Adams

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Good communication and workmanship. I have never felt like I’m being pushed into having treatment I don't need and fee..."

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Phillip Layton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"It was an excellent treatment I really appreciated thank you very much Aesthetic Smiles."

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Mohammad Ahmed

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Was brilliant best dental experience I've had by far."

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Jason Green

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The patient centred approach at aesthetic smiles is essential to me and the main reason I chose to go on their books aft..."

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Allan Bowman

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been with this practice since the start and the treatment I have received is better than all the previous dental..."

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Peter Bailey

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Every problem I have had with my teeth has been dealt with speedily and efficiently. The dentist and staff always give f..."

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Paul W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I can only but commend the level of service and treatment provided. Whether it be to book an appointment, go in for a ch..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you to all the fantastic team at aesthetic smiles today, your care of my daughter today was first class right from..."

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Julie Toony-Faulknall

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you so much to everyone for being so good to me 100% recommended brilliant service."

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Lynnie Heal

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"A very nice dentist practice. Made very welcome and take all your fears away as soon as you sit in the chair. All the st..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been with this dentist since it was opened and always makes you feel very comfortable in the chair pleasant surro..."

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Arlene Ray Love

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I don't usually leave reviews but I thought I should as my appointment at the dentist couldn't have been better! It was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have no hesitation in recommending as I've been a patient for a few years now. Some procedures have been lengthy but a..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"A visit to the dentist is something most of us dread but Aesthetic Smiles do their upmost to make it as pleasant as poss..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have used this surgery for many years and have always found the staff to be both friendly and extremely efficient, and..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Another efficient and effective visit today, I rang for an appointment earlier in the week due to an edge of a filling t..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was initially feeling quite stressed and apprehensive before visiting the Aesthetics smiles spa. But once there I foun..."

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Pat Cosgrove

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Greeted by friendly staff when arrived for my appointment. They informed me of the paperwork I needed to complete and an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I always feel relaxed when visiting Aesthetic Smiles. All the staff are friendly and has a calming influence whilst givi..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been with this dentist for a number of years, they must be the best in the business as I have never had any worri..."

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Arlene Andray

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Having been with this practice since it took over from my long time previous dentist I am happy to report that it is sti..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’d noticed my gums had been receding for some time but didn’t act on it which gave me further problems. The clinic..."

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Lewis P

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The team here are clearly highly organized and know how to care for a customer. I’m always greeted in a dead polite wa..."

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Becca W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Just had a couple of teeth out at the same time. I was told that it wouldn't hurt and guess what.... it didn't..... I wa..."

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Cee Dee

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Extremely good service. All the staff were friendly and polite, the dentists and dental assistants were really nice. I h..."

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Kaela Roebuck-Wilson

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my operation but was surprised; I was made to feel very comfortable and treated with res..."

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Derek Goodwin

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have recently had a tooth removed at this dentist and I am very happy with how the surgery went, prior to arriving at..."

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Nick Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’m a very nervous patient and was referred to Aesthetic Smiles in order to have a double extraction under sedation. I..."

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Darren Merry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Appointment booked to have wisdom teeth extracted after being referred from my dentist. Service was very polite & profes..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to Aesthetic Smile by my NHS dentist to have a molar root extracted. I was told it could take up to five..."

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Stephen Lake

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Words cannot express how impressed I was with the treatment that I received at aesthetic smiles dental spa yesterday. Th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For the procedure I was late! But I was seen quickly as I was the last appointment I think. They were kind, explained ev..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for a wisdom tooth extraction. I was very nervous. On my 1st appointment I was on my own an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for what looked like a difficult wisdom tooth extraction. Having had a lifelong fear of the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am a very nervous patient and have a phobia of the dentist. I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles by my own dentist in or..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Filling in the paperwork took longer than the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. I'd been referred to Aesthetic Smi..."

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Martin Ashby

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday and your professionalism whilst taking out my wisdom tooth. I was a little..."

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Louise Knapp

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Brilliant, I couldn't manage the stairs because I was 8 weeks post op after having a knee replacement operation, not a p..."

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Averill Neale

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetics smiles on fosse road by my dentist to carry out a difficult extraction. I was greeted by a..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have now had 3 wisdom teeth removed at Aesthetic Smiles and can honestly say that the procedures could not have been c..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you to all the staff for a speedy, pain free and professional extraction. Both the dentist and two nurses were inc..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was told 12years ago that I would have problems with my wisdom teeth and advised at that point to have them removed. I..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to this practise for 2 reasons: it was likely to be a difficult tooth for my own dentist to remove and I..."

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Pauline Annis

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my regular dentist as I am petrified of dentists and could not go through anything without sedation. T..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist and the treatment I received to be honest I wish this was my dentist. First class treatment..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Couldn't fault my visit. Punctual, friendly, professional and a pain free wisdom extraction. I was very nervous about ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would recommend Aesthetic Smiles to everybody. I was treated so well from the minute I walked through the door. I had..."

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Margaret Braithwaite

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Referred by own dentist for difficult extraction. Appointment in less than 24 hrs, very professional and competent servi..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I went for a tooth extraction. Fully satisfied with the procedure and after-care information and procedures."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was first referred by my dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a difficult extraction (which went well). I was told by my de..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Usually hate the dentist, but had 2 teeth removed in about 15 minutes here and felt nothing. I would recommend this plac..."

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Hannah Birch

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I cannot fault the service at all. Excellent from start to finish. Lost my appointment details, contacted them by email..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am completely phobic of the dentist, but after 4 years of living with 2 broken teeth I had to have something done abou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The best dental practice I've been to in fifty odd years. I was amazed at how friendly and supportive the team were. I h..."

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David R

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""just had a tooth out today, no pain, friendly efficient staff, everything explained very well, even the décor was plea..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have not been to see a dentist for over 5years I am terrified, when I was told I need a tooth removed I was so scared,..."

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June Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my wisdom tooth out but after receiving outstanding care by all staff I was soon very re..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My daughter hates needles, she has ADHD and I've witnessed her having to be held down whilst having injections in the pa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"QuoteI had not been to a dentist for many years due to a fear of dental treatment. Aesthetic Smiles treated me with kind..."

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Cathy murphy

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Very pleased with the service you provided. Friendly atmosphere and good organization. Put me at ease. My treatment was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Friendly helpful staff put you at ease straight away. Great clean premises and rooms. Good after treatment advice. I wou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Treatment was fantastic, I worried for almost 10 weeks about having a wisdom tooth extracted and it was all over in less..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had been referred to this clinic for a tooth removal. On arriving I was made welcome and being a bit nervous about the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my own dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a tooth extraction 29/12/14, the reception is very comfortable..."

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Sean Barry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I visited my dentist who tried to take my tooth out on the Tuesday but only got the top part off, and so I was referred..."

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Sheryl Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Not only do I loathe going to the dentist (who doesn’t) but I suffer with MS, am very nervous of injections, and the p..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been to your dental surgery a few times now and I am completely satisfied with the treatment I've received. Today..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was put at ease straight away, where everything that was going to happen was explained in detail. After the initial in..."

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Stephen Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My usual dentist referred me to this practice for a difficult tooth extraction. I was warned about having to cut into th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was sent to Aesthetic Smiles by my Dentist because I can be nervous. The staff and dentist were superb and made me fee..."

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Jay M

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist to receive further treatment. The service and treatment were excellent and I was kept up to..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetic smile by my dentist for an extraction that required a specialist, from walking into the surg..."

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Imraan Messiah

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who is anxious about the dentist I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles for extensive work. The whole team are ca..."

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Maz Cave

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Considering I am totally freaked out by having to visit a dentist, at my initial visit I was very apprehensive as to wha..."

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Barbara Moore

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Hi My name is Dawn and I am 43yrs young for very many years I have wanted to rectify my smile and replace my crowns but..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have never liked my visits to the dentist's chair in all the years I have attended. All of the staff at Aesthetic Smil..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who cannot stand going to the dentist, going to Aesthetic Smiles has always been a relief. The staff are alwa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had a completely pain free filling today using the new 'Wand' treatment, it was absolutely brilliant and I can honestl..."

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Lesley Orriss

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am terrified of dentist so sort this dentist out due to sedation for some major work I needed doing!! I have to say ab..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"After visiting Aesthetic Smiles for a root extraction, I am no longer scared to go to the Dentist. I feel like a new man..."

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Stephen Severn

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would tell anyone who has a fear of dental treatment to come here as I suffered badly but have had lots of treatment &..."

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Lynda Page

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I'm terrified of having dental work done. I was almost physically ill before walking into the room. These fears were..."

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Matthew Hutton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve always been a nervous patient right from being a child and it got worse the older I got, I was petrified just get..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For many years I had a phobia of just going to the dentist for a check-up due to my gag reflex and general fear of them,..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The journey of finding a dentist I could trust was actually more difficult than the treatment itself. But once I found D..."

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