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Aesthetic Smiles Dental Spa

  • 155 Fosse Road North
  • Leicester
  • LE3 5EZ
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Hyperhidrosis is the clinical term for excessive sweating. Everybody sweats – it’s the body’s natural cooling mechanism, and happens to everyone in hot weather, during exercise or at times of anxiety. However, for approximately one per cent of the population, constant and excessive sweating is a real problem. The sympathetic nervous system, which controls sweating, is in constant overdrive, meaning that sufferers sweat all the time.

This can be socially embarrassing and can cause sufferers to become very unhappy, to have to change clothes frequently and feel self-conscious about shaking hands, hugging or even holding hands with a partner. Even simple tasks such as using a pen or a computer keyboard can become difficult. The problem affects both men and women of all ages and often starts in the teenage years.

Hyperhidrosis can affect any area of the body and even the whole body. Most commonly it affects the hands, feet, underarms, face, scalp, buttocks, groin, back, neck and legs.

At Aesthetic Smiles, we offer treatment for hyperhidrosis using nerve dulling injections. This is a proven method of alleviating the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and is carried out here at the practice by our fully qualified, experienced practitioner.

A nerve dulling agent is carefully injected into the skin in areas of the body affected by hyperhidrosis. It helps to reduce the amount of sweat produced by blocking the signals from the brain to the sweat glands.

The procedure is largely painless, but local anaesthetic can be used if necessary. Between 15 and 20 injections are given in the affected area of the body, and the total procedure typically lasts less than an hour – between 30 and 45 minutes in total depending on the areas being treated.

Treatment for hyperhidrosis is not permanent but should last for several months, after which you should return for repeat treatment.


HYPERHIDROSIS LEICESTER- Frequently Asked Questions

What is hyperhidrosis and how does it affect daily life?

Understanding Hyperhidrosis: More Than Just Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterised by excessive sweating that surpasses the body’s normal requirements for thermoregulation. This disorder affects approximately 1% of the UK population, causing significant distress and impacting various aspects of daily life.

Primary vs. Secondary Hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis typically begins in childhood or adolescence and is often localised to specific areas. Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, can develop at any age and may be caused by underlying medical conditions or medications.

Common Affected Areas

While hyperhidrosis can affect any part of the body, it frequently targets the underarms, palms, soles of the feet, and face. These focal points of excessive sweating can lead to noticeable wet patches and social discomfort.

The Impact of Hyperhidrosis on Daily Activities

Excessive sweating can significantly interfere with routine tasks and social interactions, often leading to emotional distress and reduced quality of life for those affected.

Professional Challenges

In the workplace, individuals with hyperhidrosis may struggle with tasks such as shaking hands, handling papers, or using electronic devices. This can affect job performance and career advancement opportunities.

Social and Emotional Consequences

The visible signs of excessive sweating can lead to embarrassment, social anxiety, and self-consciousness. Many people with hyperhidrosis report avoiding social situations or intimate relationships due to their condition.

Lifestyle Adaptations for Hyperhidrosis Management

People living with hyperhidrosis often develop coping strategies to manage their symptoms and minimise the impact on their daily lives.

Clothing Choices

Selecting breathable fabrics, dark colours, and layered outfits can help conceal sweat marks and improve comfort. Some individuals opt for specialised sweat-wicking garments designed for hyperhidrosis.

Hygiene Routines

Frequent clothing changes, use of absorbent materials, and meticulous personal hygiene become essential parts of daily life for those managing excessive sweating.

The Quest for Effective Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Many individuals with hyperhidrosis explore various treatment options to alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Over-the-Counter Solutions

Antiperspirants containing aluminium chloride are often the first line of defence. However, their effectiveness can be limited for those with severe hyperhidrosis.

Advanced Aesthetic Treatments

Botulinum toxin injections have emerged as a highly effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, particularly for underarm sweating. These treatments can provide long-lasting relief and are increasingly sought after by those seeking a more permanent solution.

Living with hyperhidrosis presents unique challenges that extend far beyond mere discomfort. The condition can significantly impact one’s professional life, social interactions, and emotional well-being. However, with advancements in aesthetic treatments and a growing understanding of the condition, individuals with hyperhidrosis have more options than ever to manage their symptoms effectively and regain confidence in their daily lives.

Which areas of the body can be treated for excessive sweating?

Common Treatment Areas for Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can affect various parts of the body. Aesthetic practitioners in the UK offer treatments for several areas where this condition commonly manifests. These treatments can significantly improve quality of life for those struggling with excessive perspiration.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis

The underarms are one of the most frequently treated areas for excessive sweating. Botulinum toxin injections in this region can effectively reduce axillary hyperhidrosis, providing relief for up to six months.

Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Palmar hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating of the palms, can be addressed through carefully administered treatments. This can greatly enhance comfort and confidence in social and professional situations.

Facial Hyperhidrosis Treatment Areas

Facial sweating can be particularly distressing, as it’s highly visible and difficult to conceal. Aesthetic treatments can target specific areas of the face affected by hyperhidrosis.

Forehead and Scalp

Botulinum toxin injections can be strategically placed to reduce sweating in the forehead and scalp regions, helping to prevent embarrassing sweat droplets from forming in these prominent areas.

Upper Lip and Chin

Precision treatments can address excessive sweating around the upper lip and chin, areas that are often overlooked but can significantly impact one’s comfort and appearance.

Lower Body Hyperhidrosis Treatments

While less commonly treated in aesthetic clinics, hyperhidrosis in the lower body can also be addressed through specialised interventions.

Plantar Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating of the feet, known as plantar hyperhidrosis, can be treated to improve comfort and reduce related issues such as foot odour and fungal infections.

Groin and Inner Thighs

In some cases, treatments can be extended to the groin and inner thigh areas, providing relief from chafing and discomfort associated with excessive sweating in these regions.

Truncal Hyperhidrosis Management

Excessive sweating on the trunk of the body can be particularly challenging, often requiring a more extensive treatment approach.

Chest and Back

For individuals experiencing hyperhidrosis on the chest and back, aesthetic practitioners can develop tailored treatment plans to address these larger surface areas effectively.

Abdominal Region

In cases where the abdominal area is affected by excessive sweating, targeted treatments can help manage symptoms and improve overall comfort.

Comprehensive Hyperhidrosis Treatment Approaches

For individuals experiencing generalised hyperhidrosis or multiple affected areas, aesthetic practitioners may recommend a combination of treatments to achieve optimal results.

Multi-Site Treatment Plans

By addressing several areas simultaneously, practitioners can provide more comprehensive relief from hyperhidrosis symptoms, tailoring the approach to each patient’s unique needs.

Combination Therapies

In some cases, combining botulinum toxin injections with other treatments such as topical applications or lifestyle modifications can yield the best outcomes for managing hyperhidrosis across various body areas.

Aesthetic treatments for hyperhidrosis offer relief for a wide range of body areas affected by excessive sweating. From the commonly treated underarms and palms to more specialised areas like the face and feet, UK practitioners can provide targeted interventions to help manage this challenging condition. By addressing multiple sites and utilising combination therapies when appropriate, individuals suffering from hyperhidrosis can experience significant improvements in their daily comfort and confidence.

How do botulinum toxin injections work to reduce hyperhidrosis?

The Science Behind Botulinum Toxin for Hyperhidrosis

Botulinum toxin injections have revolutionised the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the UK, offering a highly effective solution for those struggling with excessive sweating. This innovative approach targets the root cause of perspiration, providing long-lasting relief.

Neurotransmitter Blockade

Botulinum toxin works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for stimulating sweat glands. By interrupting this signal, the treatment effectively reduces sweat production in the targeted area.

Localised Action

The injections are administered directly into the dermis of the affected area, ensuring a localised effect without impacting the body’s overall ability to regulate temperature through sweating elsewhere.

The Treatment Process for Hyperhidrosis

Understanding the procedure can help patients feel more at ease when considering botulinum toxin injections for their excessive sweating concerns.

Consultation and Assessment

Prior to treatment, a thorough consultation is conducted to assess the severity of hyperhidrosis and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. This may include the Minor’s iodine-starch test to identify areas of excessive sweating.

Precision Injection Technique

Using fine needles, the practitioner carefully injects small amounts of botulinum toxin into the dermis at multiple points across the treatment area. This precise approach ensures even distribution and optimal results.

Efficacy in Managing Hyperhidrosis Symptoms

Botulinum toxin has shown remarkable effectiveness in reducing excessive sweating, with many patients experiencing significant improvements in their quality of life.

Rapid Onset of Action

Most patients notice a reduction in sweating within a few days of treatment, with full effects typically evident within two weeks. This quick response allows for prompt relief from hyperhidrosis symptoms.

Long-lasting Results

The effects of botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis can last between 4 to 12 months, depending on the individual. This extended duration of action makes it a convenient option for long-term management of excessive sweating.

Adaptability to Various Hyperhidrosis-Affected Areas

One of the key advantages of botulinum toxin treatment is its versatility in addressing hyperhidrosis in different parts of the body.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Underarm sweating, one of the most common forms of hyperhidrosis, responds exceptionally well to botulinum toxin injections. The treatment can significantly reduce axillary sweating, often by up to 80-90%.

Palmar and Plantar Applications

While more challenging to treat due to increased sensitivity, botulinum toxin can also be effective for managing excessive sweating in the palms and soles of the feet, providing relief for those with palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis.

Safety Profile in Hyperhidrosis Management

When administered by qualified practitioners, botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis have a favourable safety profile, making them a popular choice among UK patients.

Minimal Side Effects

Most patients experience little to no side effects from the treatment. Temporary injection site reactions such as mild bruising or discomfort may occur but typically resolve quickly.

Reversible Nature

The effects of botulinum toxin are temporary and gradually wear off over time. This reversibility provides reassurance to patients who may be trying the treatment for the first time or those who wish to have flexibility in their hyperhidrosis management.

Botulinum toxin injections offer a scientifically proven, safe, and effective approach to managing hyperhidrosis. By targeting the underlying mechanism of excessive sweating, this treatment provides significant relief and improved quality of life for many individuals struggling with this challenging condition. As with any medical treatment, it’s essential to consult with a qualified aesthetic practitioner to determine if botulinum toxin injections are the right choice for your specific hyperhidrosis concerns.

Are hyperhidrosis treatments painful, and is there any downtime?

Pain Management in Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis treatments, particularly botulinum toxin injections, are generally well-tolerated by most patients. However, the level of discomfort can vary depending on the treatment area and individual pain threshold.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

The injections are performed using ultra-fine needles, which significantly reduce pain compared to larger gauge needles. Most patients describe the sensation as a series of small pinpricks rather than severe pain.

Topical Anaesthesia Options

For more sensitive areas or anxious patients, practitioners may offer topical numbing creams to be applied before the procedure, further minimising any potential discomfort.

Comfort Levels Across Different Treatment Sites

The perception of pain during hyperhidrosis treatments can differ depending on the area being treated.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis Injections

Underarm treatments are typically the least painful, with many patients reporting minimal discomfort. The skin in this area is generally less sensitive, making the procedure more tolerable.

Palmar and Plantar Treatments

Injections in the palms and soles can be more uncomfortable due to the higher concentration of nerve endings. However, techniques such as ice packs or vibration devices can help distract from the sensation during treatment.

Post-Treatment Sensations and Recovery

While hyperhidrosis treatments are not typically associated with significant pain, patients may experience some mild sensations following the procedure.

Temporary Tenderness

Some patients report slight soreness or tenderness at the injection sites for a few hours to a day after treatment. This is usually mild and does not interfere with daily activities.

Rare Side Effects

In rare cases, patients might experience temporary muscle weakness in the treated area, particularly with palmar hyperhidrosis treatments. This effect is transient and typically resolves within a few days to weeks.

Downtime Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Treatments

One of the significant advantages of botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure.

Immediate Return to Activities

Most patients can resume their normal daily routines immediately after treatment. There’s no need for extended rest or recovery periods, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.

Minor Aftercare Instructions

Practitioners may advise avoiding strenuous exercise or hot showers for 24 hours post-treatment to optimise results. These minor restrictions do not significantly impact most people’s daily lives.

Managing Expectations for Hyperhidrosis Treatment Comfort

It’s important for patients to have realistic expectations about the treatment experience and to communicate any concerns with their practitioner.

Individual Variation

Pain tolerance varies from person to person, and what one individual finds uncomfortable, another may find completely manageable. Discussing your concerns with your practitioner can help tailor the experience to your needs.

Cumulative Comfort

Many patients report that subsequent treatments become more comfortable as they know what to expect and become familiar with the sensation.

Hyperhidrosis treatments, particularly botulinum toxin injections, are generally considered to be well-tolerated with minimal pain and virtually no downtime. While some discomfort may be experienced, especially in more sensitive areas, the brevity of the procedure and the long-lasting results often outweigh any temporary unease. Most patients find they can immediately return to their daily activities, making it a practical solution for managing excessive sweating with minimal disruption to their lives.

How long do the effects of hyperhidrosis treatment typically last?

Duration of Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Botulinum toxin injections, the most common aesthetic treatment for hyperhidrosis in the UK, offer long-lasting relief from excessive sweating. The duration of effects can vary depending on several factors, but most patients experience significant improvement for several months.

Average Longevity

Typically, the effects of botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis last between 4 to 12 months. This extended period of efficacy makes it a popular choice among those seeking long-term management of their condition.

Gradual Return of Symptoms

As the effects begin to wear off, patients may notice a gradual increase in sweating. This process is usually slow, allowing individuals to plan for follow-up treatments before full symptoms return.

Factors Influencing Hyperhidrosis Treatment Longevity

The duration of hyperhidrosis treatment effects can be influenced by various individual and treatment-related factors.

Treatment Area

Different areas of the body may respond differently to treatment. For instance, underarm (axillary) hyperhidrosis treatments often last longer than those for palmar (hand) hyperhidrosis due to differences in sweat gland density and muscle activity.

Dosage and Technique

The amount of botulinum toxin used and the precision of injection placement can impact the longevity of results. Experienced practitioners can optimise these factors to maximise treatment duration.

Individual Variations in Hyperhidrosis Treatment Efficacy

Patient-specific factors play a significant role in determining how long the effects of hyperhidrosis treatment will last.

Metabolism and Lifestyle

Individuals with faster metabolisms or those engaging in intense physical activities may experience a shorter duration of effects. Conversely, those with slower metabolisms might enjoy longer-lasting results.

Severity of Hyperhidrosis

Patients with more severe hyperhidrosis might notice the effects wearing off sooner than those with milder cases. This can influence the frequency of required treatments.

Maintaining Long-Term Hyperhidrosis Relief

To ensure consistent management of hyperhidrosis symptoms, patients often adopt a proactive approach to their treatment plan.

Regular Treatment Schedules

Many individuals opt for maintenance treatments every 6 to 12 months, depending on their personal response to the injections. This approach helps maintain consistent sweat reduction over time.

Combination Therapies

Some patients combine botulinum toxin injections with other hyperhidrosis management techniques, such as antiperspirants or iontophoresis, to extend the overall duration of sweat control.

Monitoring Hyperhidrosis Treatment Effectiveness

Keeping track of treatment efficacy helps patients and practitioners optimise the timing and approach of future sessions.

Sweat Diaries

Patients may be encouraged to maintain a record of their sweating patterns post-treatment. This information can be valuable in determining the ideal timing for follow-up treatments.

Follow-up Assessments

Regular check-ins with the aesthetic practitioner allow for ongoing evaluation of treatment effectiveness and adjustments to the treatment plan if needed.

The effects of hyperhidrosis treatments, particularly botulinum toxin injections, typically provide relief for several months, with many patients experiencing significant improvements for 4 to 12 months. While individual responses can vary, working closely with a skilled practitioner and adopting a proactive approach to treatment can help maintain long-lasting control over excessive sweating. This extended duration of efficacy, combined with the minimal downtime associated with the treatment, makes botulinum toxin injections an attractive option for those seeking long-term management of their hyperhidrosis symptoms.

Can hyperhidrosis treatments be combined with other aesthetic procedures?

Integrating Hyperhidrosis Treatments in Comprehensive Aesthetic Care

Many patients seeking hyperhidrosis treatments are also interested in other aesthetic procedures. Fortunately, botulinum toxin injections for excessive sweating can often be seamlessly incorporated into a broader beauty and wellness regimen.

Holistic Approach

Combining hyperhidrosis treatments with other aesthetic procedures allows for a more comprehensive approach to personal care, addressing multiple concerns in a coordinated manner.

Time-Efficient Solutions

For busy individuals, combining treatments can be an efficient way to maximise results while minimising the number of clinic visits required.

Facial Aesthetics and Hyperhidrosis Management

Facial hyperhidrosis treatments can be particularly complementary to other facial aesthetic procedures, offering both functional and cosmetic benefits.

Botulinum Toxin Synergies

Since botulinum toxin is used for both hyperhidrosis and wrinkle reduction, patients can address excessive facial sweating and fine lines in a single treatment session, optimising the use of the product.

Skin Rejuvenation Pairings

Combining facial hyperhidrosis treatments with procedures like chemical peels or microdermabrasion can improve overall skin texture and reduce the appearance of enlarged pores often associated with excessive sweating.

Body Contouring and Hyperhidrosis Solutions

For patients interested in body aesthetics, hyperhidrosis treatments can be an excellent addition to their treatment plan.

Post-Liposuction Care

Patients undergoing liposuction, particularly in the underarm area, may benefit from concurrent hyperhidrosis treatment to manage any sweat-related concerns during the recovery period.

Muscle-Defining Treatments

Body contouring procedures that enhance muscle definition can be complemented by hyperhidrosis treatments, ensuring that excessive sweating doesn’t detract from the aesthetic results achieved.

Combining Hyperhidrosis Management with Skincare Treatments

Integrating hyperhidrosis treatments with advanced skincare procedures can provide comprehensive skin health and aesthetic benefits.

Laser Therapy Coordination

Patients receiving laser treatments for hair removal or skin resurfacing can often incorporate hyperhidrosis management into their treatment plan, addressing multiple concerns in targeted areas.

Medical-Grade Facials

Combining facial hyperhidrosis treatments with medical-grade facials can help manage both excessive sweating and other skin concerns, such as acne or rosacea, which can be exacerbated by perspiration.

Considerations for Combined Hyperhidrosis and Aesthetic Treatments

While combining treatments can be beneficial, it’s essential to approach this strategically to ensure optimal results and patient safety.

Treatment Sequencing

Your aesthetic practitioner will determine the most appropriate order for combined treatments. For instance, botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis might be administered before or after other procedures, depending on the specific treatments involved.

Recovery Planning

When combining hyperhidrosis treatments with more invasive procedures, your practitioner will develop a comprehensive recovery plan that accounts for the needs of each treatment.

Personalised Treatment Plans for Hyperhidrosis and Aesthetics

Every patient’s needs and goals are unique, requiring a tailored approach to combining hyperhidrosis and aesthetic treatments.

Comprehensive Consultation

A thorough initial consultation allows your practitioner to understand your complete aesthetic and wellness objectives, enabling them to create a personalised treatment plan that addresses hyperhidrosis alongside other concerns.

Ongoing Assessments

Regular follow-ups and assessments help ensure that the combined treatment approach continues to meet your evolving needs and expectations.

Hyperhidrosis treatments can indeed be effectively combined with a wide range of aesthetic procedures, offering patients the opportunity to address multiple concerns in a coordinated and efficient manner. From facial rejuvenation to body contouring, the integration of excessive sweating management into broader aesthetic treatment plans can enhance overall results and patient satisfaction. By working closely with a skilled aesthetic practitioner, patients can develop a personalised approach that seamlessly combines hyperhidrosis treatments with other procedures, optimising both their appearance and comfort.

What are the potential side effects of hyperhidrosis treatments?

Common Side Effects of Botulinum Toxin for Hyperhidrosis

While botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis are generally safe and well-tolerated, some patients may experience mild, temporary side effects. These are typically localised to the treatment area and resolve on their own.

Injection Site Reactions

Some patients may notice minor redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. These effects are usually short-lived, lasting from a few hours to a couple of days.

Temporary Discomfort

A slight burning sensation or mild pain during and immediately after the injections is not uncommon. This discomfort typically subsides quickly, often within minutes of the procedure.

Area-Specific Side Effects in Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Depending on the area treated for excessive sweating, patients may experience unique side effects related to the specific body part.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis Concerns

When treating underarm sweating, some individuals might notice increased sweating in other areas of the body, a phenomenon known as compensatory hyperhidrosis. This is usually mild and temporary.

Palmar Hyperhidrosis Considerations

Treatments for palm sweating can occasionally lead to temporary weakness in the hands or fingers. This effect is typically mild and resolves within a few weeks as the body adjusts to the treatment.

Rare but Potential Complications of Hyperhidrosis Treatments

While uncommon, more significant side effects can occur. It’s important for patients to be aware of these possibilities and report any concerns to their practitioner promptly.

Muscle Weakness

In rare cases, the botulinum toxin may affect nearby muscles, leading to temporary weakness. This is more likely to occur with treatments for facial hyperhidrosis and usually resolves as the effects of the treatment wear off.

Allergic Reactions

Although extremely rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the botulinum toxin or other components of the injection. Symptoms can range from mild itching to more severe reactions requiring immediate medical attention.

Long-Term Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Management

When considering ongoing hyperhidrosis treatments, patients should be aware of potential long-term effects and considerations.

Antibody Development

In very rare cases, patients may develop antibodies to the botulinum toxin over time, potentially reducing the effectiveness of future treatments. This is more likely to occur with frequent, high-dose treatments.

Skin Changes

Long-term use of botulinum toxin for hyperhidrosis may lead to subtle changes in skin texture or thickness in the treated areas. These changes are typically minimal and often go unnoticed.

Minimising Side Effects in Hyperhidrosis Treatment

There are several strategies that practitioners and patients can employ to reduce the risk and severity of side effects from hyperhidrosis treatments.

Precision Injection Techniques

Skilled practitioners use advanced techniques and ultra-fine needles to minimise trauma to the treatment area, reducing the likelihood of bruising and discomfort.

Post-Treatment Care

Following your practitioner’s aftercare instructions, such as avoiding strenuous exercise or hot showers immediately after treatment, can help minimise the risk of side effects and optimise results.

Importance of Professional Hyperhidrosis Management

Choosing a qualified and experienced practitioner is crucial in minimising risks and ensuring the best possible outcomes for hyperhidrosis treatment.

Thorough Consultation

A comprehensive pre-treatment consultation allows your practitioner to assess your suitability for treatment, discuss potential risks, and tailor the approach to your individual needs.

Ongoing Monitoring

Regular follow-up appointments enable your practitioner to track your progress, address any concerns, and adjust the treatment plan as necessary to minimise side effects and maximise efficacy.

While botulinum toxin treatments for hyperhidrosis are generally safe and effective, it’s important for patients to be aware of potential side effects. Most side effects are mild and temporary, resolving on their own within a short period. By choosing a qualified practitioner and following proper care instructions, patients can significantly reduce their risk of complications and enjoy the benefits of reduced excessive sweating. Always discuss any concerns or unusual symptoms with your aesthetic practitioner to ensure the best possible experience and outcomes from your hyperhidrosis treatment.

How soon can I expect to see results after a hyperhidrosis treatment?

Initial Response to Hyperhidrosis Treatment

After receiving botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis, patients often experience a gradual reduction in sweating over the course of several days. The timeline for noticeable improvement can vary depending on individual factors and the treatment area.

Onset of Action

Most patients begin to notice a decrease in sweating within 2 to 4 days after the treatment. This initial response is typically subtle and continues to improve over the following days.

Progressive Improvement

The full effects of the treatment usually become apparent within 1 to 2 weeks, as the botulinum toxin fully blocks the nerve signals responsible for stimulating sweat production.

Timelines for Different Hyperhidrosis Treatment Areas

The speed at which results become noticeable can differ depending on the specific area of the body being treated for excessive sweating.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis Results

Underarm treatments often show the quickest response, with many patients reporting a significant reduction in sweating within 3 to 5 days after the procedure.

Palmar and Plantar Hyperhidrosis Timelines

Treatment for excessive sweating in the hands and feet may take slightly longer to show full effects, typically becoming fully apparent within 1 to 2 weeks post-treatment.

Factors Influencing Hyperhidrosis Treatment Efficacy

Several factors can affect how quickly and effectively the treatment works, leading to variations in individual experiences.

Severity of Hyperhidrosis

Patients with more severe hyperhidrosis may notice a dramatic improvement more quickly, while those with milder cases might experience a more gradual change.

Metabolic Factors

Individual metabolic rates can influence how quickly the body responds to the treatment. Patients with faster metabolisms might experience a slightly delayed onset of full effects.

Maximising Hyperhidrosis Treatment Results

There are several steps patients can take to help ensure they experience optimal results as quickly as possible after their treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

Following your practitioner’s aftercare instructions, such as avoiding intense physical activity for 24 hours after the procedure, can help optimise the treatment’s effectiveness.

Hydration and Skincare

Maintaining proper hydration and following a good skincare routine can support the overall health of the treated area, potentially enhancing the visibility of results.

Monitoring Progress After Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Keeping track of improvements in sweating can help patients and practitioners assess the treatment’s effectiveness and plan for future sessions.

Sweat Journals

Maintaining a daily log of sweating patterns and intensity can provide valuable insights into the treatment’s progression and help identify the point at which maximum benefits are achieved.

Follow-up Assessments

Scheduled follow-up appointments with your practitioner allow for professional evaluation of the treatment’s efficacy and discussion of any adjustments needed for future sessions.

Long-Term Expectations for Hyperhidrosis Management

Understanding the long-term effects and maintenance requirements can help patients set realistic expectations for their hyperhidrosis treatment journey.

Peak Efficacy Period

While initial results are often seen within days, the treatment typically reaches its maximum effectiveness around 2 weeks post-procedure and maintains this level for several months.

Maintenance Treatments

To sustain the benefits of hyperhidrosis treatment, patients usually require follow-up sessions every 4 to 12 months, depending on individual response and the area treated.

The onset of results from hyperhidrosis treatment with botulinum toxin injections is typically swift, with most patients experiencing noticeable improvements within a few days to two weeks. While individual responses can vary, the majority of patients enjoy significant reductions in excessive sweating that continue to improve over the initial weeks following treatment. By following post-treatment care instructions and maintaining open communication with your aesthetic practitioner, you can optimise your results and enjoy long-lasting relief from the challenges of hyperhidrosis.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can complement hyperhidrosis treatments?

Dietary Adjustments to Support Hyperhidrosis Management

Making thoughtful changes to your diet can play a significant role in complementing hyperhidrosis treatments and managing excessive sweating.

Hydration Balance

While it may seem counterintuitive, staying well-hydrated can actually help regulate your body’s temperature more efficiently, potentially reducing the need for excessive sweating.

Trigger Foods

Identifying and avoiding foods that trigger increased sweating, such as spicy dishes, caffeine, and alcohol, can help maintain the effectiveness of your hyperhidrosis treatments.

Clothing Choices for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Strategic wardrobe selections can significantly impact comfort levels and the visibility of sweating for those managing hyperhidrosis.

Breathable Fabrics

Opting for natural, breathable materials like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking synthetics can help keep your skin cool and dry, complementing the effects of your hyperhidrosis treatments.

Layering Techniques

Employing smart layering techniques with lightweight, removable layers allows for easy adjustment to temperature changes, helping to prevent excessive sweating throughout the day.

Stress Management to Enhance Hyperhidrosis Treatment Efficacy

Since stress can exacerbate sweating, incorporating stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine can complement your hyperhidrosis treatments.

Mindfulness Practices

Regular engagement in mindfulness activities such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress-induced sweating and enhance the overall effectiveness of your hyperhidrosis management plan.

Regular Exercise

Incorporating moderate, regular exercise into your routine can help manage stress levels and improve your body’s overall temperature regulation, potentially reducing excessive sweating.

Environmental Modifications for Hyperhidrosis Control

Making adjustments to your living and working environments can create conditions less likely to trigger excessive sweating.

Temperature Control

Utilising fans, air conditioning, or opening windows to maintain a cool environment can help reduce the likelihood of excessive sweating, particularly in areas treated for hyperhidrosis.

Humidity Management

In the often damp British climate, using a dehumidifier in your home or workspace can create a more comfortable atmosphere less conducive to excessive sweating.

Personal Care Routines to Complement Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Adopting specific personal care practices can enhance the effects of your hyperhidrosis treatments and improve overall comfort.

Antiperspirant Application

Applying antiperspirants at night to dry skin can improve their effectiveness, working in tandem with your hyperhidrosis treatments to manage excessive sweating.

Regular Cleansing

Maintaining a consistent cleansing routine, particularly in treated areas, can help manage any odour associated with hyperhidrosis and keep the skin in optimal condition.

Sleep Hygiene for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Improving your sleep environment and habits can contribute to better management of night sweats and overall hyperhidrosis symptoms.

Bedding Choices

Selecting breathable, moisture-wicking bedding materials can help maintain a comfortable sleep temperature and manage night sweats more effectively.

Evening Routines

Establishing a calming pre-bed routine and maintaining a cool bedroom temperature can help reduce night-time sweating, complementing the effects of your hyperhidrosis treatments.

Holistic Approaches to Support Hyperhidrosis Management

Incorporating holistic practices into your lifestyle can provide additional support to your hyperhidrosis treatment plan.


Some patients find that regular acupuncture sessions help reduce stress and may contribute to improved sweat gland function, potentially enhancing the effects of conventional hyperhidrosis treatments.

Herbal Remedies

Certain herbal teas or supplements, such as sage or chamomile, may have mild antiperspirant properties that can complement your primary hyperhidrosis management strategies.

While hyperhidrosis treatments like botulinum toxin injections provide significant relief from excessive sweating, incorporating these lifestyle changes can further enhance your results and overall quality of life. By making thoughtful adjustments to your diet, wardrobe, environment, and daily routines, you can create a comprehensive approach to managing hyperhidrosis. Remember to discuss any significant lifestyle changes with your aesthetic practitioner to ensure they align with your treatment plan and individual needs.

How often should I schedule hyperhidrosis treatments for optimal results?

Understanding Hyperhidrosis Treatment Frequency

The optimal frequency for hyperhidrosis treatments depends on various factors, including the severity of your condition and the specific treatment method employed. A personalised approach is essential for achieving the best outcomes.

Initial Treatment Phase

Most patients begin with more frequent sessions to establish a baseline for sweat reduction.

Maintenance Schedule

Following the initial phase, a tailored maintenance plan is developed to sustain results over time.

Botulinum Toxin Injections for Hyperhidrosis

Botulinum toxin injections are a popular and effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, offering temporary relief from excessive sweating.

Treatment Intervals

Typically, patients require treatments every 4 to 6 months to maintain optimal sweat control.

Individualised Approach

Your aesthetics practitioner may adjust the frequency based on your body’s response and the longevity of results.

Iontophoresis for Hyperhidrosis Management

Iontophoresis is an effective option for treating palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis, utilising a mild electrical current to reduce sweating.

Initial Treatment Regimen

Begin with 2-3 sessions per week for 3-4 weeks to achieve initial sweat reduction.

Maintenance Sessions

Once desired results are achieved, schedule maintenance treatments every 1-4 weeks as needed.

MiraDry for Axillary Hyperhidrosis

MiraDry is a non-invasive, long-lasting treatment specifically designed for underarm hyperhidrosis.

One-Time Treatment

Many patients experience significant improvement after a single session, with results lasting several years.

Follow-Up Sessions

Some individuals may benefit from a second treatment 3 months after the initial procedure for enhanced results.

Factors Influencing Treatment Frequency

Several elements can impact how often you should schedule hyperhidrosis treatments for optimal outcomes.

Severity of Hyperhidrosis

Patients with more severe cases may require more frequent treatments initially to achieve desired dryness levels.

Treatment Response

Individual responses to treatments vary, necessitating adjustments to the treatment schedule based on efficacy.

Lifestyle Factors

Your daily activities, stress levels, and environmental factors can influence the longevity of treatment results.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Hyperhidrosis Treatment Plan

Regular follow-ups with your aesthetics practitioner are crucial for achieving and maintaining optimal results.

Progress Assessments

Periodic evaluations help determine the effectiveness of your current treatment regimen.

Treatment Modifications

Your practitioner may recommend adjustments to your treatment schedule or modality based on your progress and goals.

Ultimately, the most effective treatment frequency for hyperhidrosis is highly individualised. By working closely with a qualified aesthetics professional and remaining attentive to your body’s response, you can develop a tailored treatment plan that provides lasting relief from excessive sweating. Regular consultations and open communication with your practitioner will ensure that your hyperhidrosis management remains optimised for your unique needs.

For more information regarding this treatment

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Our patients mean
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"I always feel comfortable; the whole team are always very friendly. I experienced the wand recently which I would highly..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I haven't been blessed with the most perfect teeth in the world. Fillings, caps, bridges and crowns are the only things..."

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Clive Francis

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have had some bad experiences in the past with other dentists and practices but it’s hard to find fault with Aesthet..."

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Conor Sammon

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Brilliant practice... Just had the Inman Alignment Procedure and whitening - and they've done a fantastic job. Couldn't..."

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Joel Hicks

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Really pleased with how white my teeth are after coming here. My husband told me to get it sorted as they've been discol..."

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Victoria Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Loving the results of the smile makeover and veneers and would have no doubt about returning for any kind of repeat trea..."

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Antoinette Daley

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Yesterday I was at the dentist having the first part of my implants put in place. The staff were very kind and really lo..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was worried about having a crown fitted and a couple of fillings but found the whole experience a lot better than I th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I came back to the dentist after a while as they promised to do another crown for me because of the first bad crown I ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I feel really proud of my front tooth after a number of years neglecting it. It basically had a fractured root and my us..."

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Tina Harris

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 2 years now after an incident that resulted in the roots holding my 20 y..."

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Alistair Stewart

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 7 years now, I travel from derby and I’ve had very comfortable treatme..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""I came to Aesthetic Smiles as I had an issue with my front teeth after falling off my bike when I was a child and it pu..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Unfortunately I had a couple of missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene when I was a younger. Having looked at my options..."

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Gilly F

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Overall a great practice, helpful reception staff, dentist come across knowledgeable and therefore made you feel like yo..."

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May K

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The team at Aesthetic Smiles are really great at putting me at ease and answering all my questions. I’ve had a few pro..."

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Lucy Stevens

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Great service. Very clean and modern clinic with cutting edge equipment. Highly recommend."

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William Adams

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Good communication and workmanship. I have never felt like I’m being pushed into having treatment I don't need and fee..."

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Phillip Layton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"It was an excellent treatment I really appreciated thank you very much Aesthetic Smiles."

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Mohammad Ahmed

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Was brilliant best dental experience I've had by far."

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Jason Green

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The patient centred approach at aesthetic smiles is essential to me and the main reason I chose to go on their books aft..."

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Allan Bowman

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been with this practice since the start and the treatment I have received is better than all the previous dental..."

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Peter Bailey

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Every problem I have had with my teeth has been dealt with speedily and efficiently. The dentist and staff always give f..."

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Paul W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I can only but commend the level of service and treatment provided. Whether it be to book an appointment, go in for a ch..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you to all the fantastic team at aesthetic smiles today, your care of my daughter today was first class right from..."

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Julie Toony-Faulknall

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you so much to everyone for being so good to me 100% recommended brilliant service."

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Lynnie Heal

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"A very nice dentist practice. Made very welcome and take all your fears away as soon as you sit in the chair. All the st..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve been with this dentist since it was opened and always makes you feel very comfortable in the chair pleasant surro..."

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Arlene Ray Love

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I don't usually leave reviews but I thought I should as my appointment at the dentist couldn't have been better! It was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have no hesitation in recommending as I've been a patient for a few years now. Some procedures have been lengthy but a..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"A visit to the dentist is something most of us dread but Aesthetic Smiles do their upmost to make it as pleasant as poss..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have used this surgery for many years and have always found the staff to be both friendly and extremely efficient, and..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Another efficient and effective visit today, I rang for an appointment earlier in the week due to an edge of a filling t..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was initially feeling quite stressed and apprehensive before visiting the Aesthetics smiles spa. But once there I foun..."

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Pat Cosgrove

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Greeted by friendly staff when arrived for my appointment. They informed me of the paperwork I needed to complete and an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I always feel relaxed when visiting Aesthetic Smiles. All the staff are friendly and has a calming influence whilst givi..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been with this dentist for a number of years, they must be the best in the business as I have never had any worri..."

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Arlene Andray

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Having been with this practice since it took over from my long time previous dentist I am happy to report that it is sti..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’d noticed my gums had been receding for some time but didn’t act on it which gave me further problems. The clinic..."

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Lewis P

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The team here are clearly highly organized and know how to care for a customer. I’m always greeted in a dead polite wa..."

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Becca W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Just had a couple of teeth out at the same time. I was told that it wouldn't hurt and guess what.... it didn't..... I wa..."

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Cee Dee

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Extremely good service. All the staff were friendly and polite, the dentists and dental assistants were really nice. I h..."

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Kaela Roebuck-Wilson

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my operation but was surprised; I was made to feel very comfortable and treated with res..."

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Derek Goodwin

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have recently had a tooth removed at this dentist and I am very happy with how the surgery went, prior to arriving at..."

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Nick Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’m a very nervous patient and was referred to Aesthetic Smiles in order to have a double extraction under sedation. I..."

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Darren Merry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Appointment booked to have wisdom teeth extracted after being referred from my dentist. Service was very polite & profes..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to Aesthetic Smile by my NHS dentist to have a molar root extracted. I was told it could take up to five..."

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Stephen Lake

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Words cannot express how impressed I was with the treatment that I received at aesthetic smiles dental spa yesterday. Th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For the procedure I was late! But I was seen quickly as I was the last appointment I think. They were kind, explained ev..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for a wisdom tooth extraction. I was very nervous. On my 1st appointment I was on my own an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for what looked like a difficult wisdom tooth extraction. Having had a lifelong fear of the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am a very nervous patient and have a phobia of the dentist. I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles by my own dentist in or..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Filling in the paperwork took longer than the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. I'd been referred to Aesthetic Smi..."

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Martin Ashby

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday and your professionalism whilst taking out my wisdom tooth. I was a little..."

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Louise Knapp

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Brilliant, I couldn't manage the stairs because I was 8 weeks post op after having a knee replacement operation, not a p..."

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Averill Neale

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetics smiles on fosse road by my dentist to carry out a difficult extraction. I was greeted by a..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have now had 3 wisdom teeth removed at Aesthetic Smiles and can honestly say that the procedures could not have been c..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you to all the staff for a speedy, pain free and professional extraction. Both the dentist and two nurses were inc..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was told 12years ago that I would have problems with my wisdom teeth and advised at that point to have them removed. I..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to this practise for 2 reasons: it was likely to be a difficult tooth for my own dentist to remove and I..."

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Pauline Annis

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my regular dentist as I am petrified of dentists and could not go through anything without sedation. T..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist and the treatment I received to be honest I wish this was my dentist. First class treatment..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Couldn't fault my visit. Punctual, friendly, professional and a pain free wisdom extraction. I was very nervous about ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would recommend Aesthetic Smiles to everybody. I was treated so well from the minute I walked through the door. I had..."

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Margaret Braithwaite

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Referred by own dentist for difficult extraction. Appointment in less than 24 hrs, very professional and competent servi..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I went for a tooth extraction. Fully satisfied with the procedure and after-care information and procedures."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was first referred by my dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a difficult extraction (which went well). I was told by my de..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Usually hate the dentist, but had 2 teeth removed in about 15 minutes here and felt nothing. I would recommend this plac..."

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Hannah Birch

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I cannot fault the service at all. Excellent from start to finish. Lost my appointment details, contacted them by email..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am completely phobic of the dentist, but after 4 years of living with 2 broken teeth I had to have something done abou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The best dental practice I've been to in fifty odd years. I was amazed at how friendly and supportive the team were. I h..."

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David R

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""just had a tooth out today, no pain, friendly efficient staff, everything explained very well, even the décor was plea..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have not been to see a dentist for over 5years I am terrified, when I was told I need a tooth removed I was so scared,..."

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June Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my wisdom tooth out but after receiving outstanding care by all staff I was soon very re..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My daughter hates needles, she has ADHD and I've witnessed her having to be held down whilst having injections in the pa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"QuoteI had not been to a dentist for many years due to a fear of dental treatment. Aesthetic Smiles treated me with kind..."

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Cathy murphy

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Very pleased with the service you provided. Friendly atmosphere and good organization. Put me at ease. My treatment was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Friendly helpful staff put you at ease straight away. Great clean premises and rooms. Good after treatment advice. I wou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Treatment was fantastic, I worried for almost 10 weeks about having a wisdom tooth extracted and it was all over in less..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had been referred to this clinic for a tooth removal. On arriving I was made welcome and being a bit nervous about the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my own dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a tooth extraction 29/12/14, the reception is very comfortable..."

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Sean Barry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I visited my dentist who tried to take my tooth out on the Tuesday but only got the top part off, and so I was referred..."

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Sheryl Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Not only do I loathe going to the dentist (who doesn’t) but I suffer with MS, am very nervous of injections, and the p..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been to your dental surgery a few times now and I am completely satisfied with the treatment I've received. Today..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was put at ease straight away, where everything that was going to happen was explained in detail. After the initial in..."

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Stephen Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My usual dentist referred me to this practice for a difficult tooth extraction. I was warned about having to cut into th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was sent to Aesthetic Smiles by my Dentist because I can be nervous. The staff and dentist were superb and made me fee..."

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Jay M

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist to receive further treatment. The service and treatment were excellent and I was kept up to..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetic smile by my dentist for an extraction that required a specialist, from walking into the surg..."

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Imraan Messiah

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who is anxious about the dentist I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles for extensive work. The whole team are ca..."

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Maz Cave

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Considering I am totally freaked out by having to visit a dentist, at my initial visit I was very apprehensive as to wha..."

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Barbara Moore

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Hi My name is Dawn and I am 43yrs young for very many years I have wanted to rectify my smile and replace my crowns but..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have never liked my visits to the dentist's chair in all the years I have attended. All of the staff at Aesthetic Smil..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who cannot stand going to the dentist, going to Aesthetic Smiles has always been a relief. The staff are alwa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had a completely pain free filling today using the new 'Wand' treatment, it was absolutely brilliant and I can honestl..."

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Lesley Orriss

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am terrified of dentist so sort this dentist out due to sedation for some major work I needed doing!! I have to say ab..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"After visiting Aesthetic Smiles for a root extraction, I am no longer scared to go to the Dentist. I feel like a new man..."

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Stephen Severn

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would tell anyone who has a fear of dental treatment to come here as I suffered badly but have had lots of treatment &..."

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Lynda Page

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I'm terrified of having dental work done. I was almost physically ill before walking into the room. These fears were..."

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Matthew Hutton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve always been a nervous patient right from being a child and it got worse the older I got, I was petrified just get..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For many years I had a phobia of just going to the dentist for a check-up due to my gag reflex and general fear of them,..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The journey of finding a dentist I could trust was actually more difficult than the treatment itself. But once I found D..."

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