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Aesthetic Smiles Dental Spa

  • 155 Fosse Road North
  • Leicester
  • LE3 5EZ
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Children’s Teeth Leicester

As dental professionals, we believe in preventative dental care and encourage our patients to bring their children to the practice from an early age. Regular check-ups from a young age will ensure children won’t suffer from untreated dental decay which can have devastating effects on their growing dentition. There are several preventative treatments that our team can provide for children.

Fluoride applications are a safe and effective way to safeguard your growing child’s teeth from developing decay. The fluoride is painted onto the surface of the child’s teeth and this helps to mineralise the teeth. Fissure sealants are tooth coloured and applied to bite surfaces of children’s teeth to prevent decay.

Studies have shown that the younger the age that you bring your child to the dental practice, even if just for a check-up, the more likely they are to have a positive experience and grow up not being afraid of the dentist. Our team will take special care of your child to make them feel safe and cared for.

Treating a child from an early age also allows the dentist to spot early signs of underbites, crossbites or overbites developing. As with most things, the sooner you can start to treat it, the quicker it can be resolved.

Prevention is always better than cure so call the practice today to make an appointment for your child.


CHILDREN’S DENTIST LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

At what age should I first bring my child to the dentist?

The importance of early dental visits for children

Introducing your child to the dentist at an early age is crucial for establishing good oral health habits and preventing future dental issues. Early visits help familiarise children with the dental environment and promote a positive attitude towards oral care.

First tooth emergence

Most paediatric dentists recommend scheduling your child’s first dental visit within six months of their first tooth appearing, or by their first birthday, whichever comes first.

Preventive care

Early visits allow dentists to assess your child’s oral development and provide preventive treatments, such as fluoride applications, if necessary.

Benefits of early children’s dentist appointments

Taking your child to the dentist at a young age offers numerous advantages for their long-term oral health and overall well-being.

Dental anxiety prevention

Early, positive experiences at the dentist can help prevent dental anxiety and phobias that may develop if the first visit occurs during a dental emergency or when extensive treatment is needed.

Oral health education

These initial visits provide an opportunity for parents to learn proper oral hygiene techniques specific to their child’s needs and receive guidance on diet and habits that affect dental health.

What to expect at your child’s first dental visit

Understanding what happens during the initial appointment can help both you and your child feel more comfortable and prepared.

Gentle examination

The dentist will perform a gentle examination of your child’s mouth, looking for early signs of decay, checking bite alignment, and assessing overall oral development.

Child-friendly approach

Paediatric dentists are trained to make the experience enjoyable for children, often using playful language and demonstrations to help young patients feel at ease.

Preparing your child for their first dental appointment

Taking steps to prepare your child can contribute to a positive first experience at the dentist’s office.

Positive reinforcement

Use encouraging language when discussing the upcoming visit, focusing on the exciting aspects of meeting the dentist and learning about their teeth.

Role-playing activities

Engage in pretend play at home, taking turns being the dentist and the patient, to familiarise your child with basic dental procedures in a fun, non-threatening way.

Ongoing children’s dental care

After the initial visit, establishing a regular dental care routine is essential for maintaining your child’s oral health.

Biannual check-ups

Most children’s dentists recommend scheduling follow-up appointments every six months to monitor oral development and provide preventive care.

Individualised treatment plans

Your child’s dentist will create a personalised care plan based on their specific needs, which may include recommendations for diet, oral hygiene practices, or early interventions for potential issues.

Bringing your child to the dentist early in life sets the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. By introducing dental visits as a normal, positive part of your child’s healthcare routine, you’re investing in their future well-being. Remember, every child is unique, so don’t hesitate to discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your paediatric dentist to ensure the best possible care for your little one’s smile.

How often should children have dental check-ups?

Standard recommendations for children’s dental visits

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining good oral health in children. The frequency of these visits can vary based on individual needs, but there are general guidelines that most paediatric dentists follow.

Biannual check-ups

For most children, dental professionals recommend scheduling check-ups every six months. This frequency allows for timely detection of potential issues and ensures consistent preventive care.

Personalised schedules

Your child’s dentist may suggest more frequent visits based on factors such as oral hygiene habits, risk of tooth decay, or ongoing orthodontic treatment.

Factors influencing children’s dental check-up frequency

The ideal interval between dental visits can vary from child to child, depending on several factors that paediatric dentists consider.

Age-specific needs

Younger children or those with newly erupted permanent teeth may benefit from more frequent check-ups to monitor dental development and provide timely interventions.

Oral health status

Children with a history of cavities, gum disease, or other dental issues may require more frequent monitoring to prevent complications and ensure effective treatment.

Benefits of regular children’s dental check-ups

Consistent dental visits offer numerous advantages for your child’s oral health and overall well-being.

Early detection

Regular check-ups allow dentists to identify and address potential issues such as cavities, misalignment, or gum problems before they become more serious and require extensive treatment.

Preventive care

Routine visits often include preventive treatments like professional cleanings, fluoride applications, and dental sealants, which can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

What to expect during children’s dental check-ups

Understanding the components of a typical dental visit can help both you and your child feel more comfortable and prepared.

Comprehensive examination

The dentist will thoroughly examine your child’s teeth, gums, and oral tissues, looking for signs of decay, infection, or developmental issues.

Oral hygiene guidance

Each visit provides an opportunity for the dentist or hygienist to offer personalised advice on proper brushing and flossing techniques, tailored to your child’s age and abilities.

Adapting check-up frequency for special circumstances

Certain situations may require adjustments to the standard six-month check-up schedule for children.

Orthodontic treatment

Children undergoing orthodontic care, such as wearing braces, may need more frequent dental visits to monitor oral hygiene and ensure proper tooth movement.

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions can affect oral health, necessitating more frequent dental check-ups. Your child’s dentist will advise on an appropriate schedule based on their specific needs.

Encouraging positive attitudes towards dental visits

Regular check-ups play a crucial role in shaping your child’s long-term relationship with dental care.

Consistency and familiarity

Maintaining a regular schedule of dental visits helps children become comfortable with the dental environment and procedures, reducing anxiety and promoting positive associations with oral health care.

Empowerment through education

Each check-up is an opportunity for children to learn more about their oral health, fostering a sense of responsibility and encouraging good habits that can last a lifetime.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining your child’s oral health and preventing potential issues. While the standard recommendation is every six months, it’s important to follow your paediatric dentist’s advice regarding the ideal frequency for your child. These visits not only ensure proper dental care but also help establish a positive attitude towards oral health that can benefit your child well into adulthood. Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to a healthy, confident smile.

What can I do to prepare my child for their first dental visit?

Familiarise Your Child with Dental Hygiene

Begin the preparation process by introducing your child to proper oral care routines at home. This lays the foundation for a positive dental experience.

Tooth-brushing games

Create fun activities around brushing teeth to make it an enjoyable daily habit. Use colourful toothbrushes or play their favourite songs during brushing time.

Educational resources

Utilise children’s books, videos, or apps that explain dental visits in a child-friendly manner. This helps demystify the process and alleviates anxiety.

Choose a Paediatric Dentist

Selecting a dentist who specialises in treating children can significantly improve your child’s first dental experience.

Child-friendly environment

Look for a dental practice with a welcoming atmosphere, colourful décor, and play areas to help your child feel at ease.

Specialised techniques

Paediatric dentists are trained in behaviour management and can use specific approaches to make the visit less intimidating for young patients.

Schedule a Pre-Visit to the Dental Surgery

Arranging a preliminary visit to the dental practice can help your child become familiar with the new environment.

Meet and greet

Introduce your child to the dental team, allowing them to build rapport before the actual appointment.

Explore the surgery

Let your child see the dental chair and some of the equipment used during check-ups to reduce fear of the unknown.

Role-Play Dental Visits at Home

Engaging in pretend play can help your child understand what to expect during their first dental appointment.

Dentist and patient scenarios

Take turns playing the roles of dentist and patient, using household items to mimic dental instruments.

Counting teeth

Practice opening wide and counting teeth to familiarise your child with basic dental examination procedures.

Discuss the Importance of Oral Health

Help your child understand why visiting the dentist is crucial for maintaining a healthy smile.

Tooth-friendly diet

Explain how certain foods and drinks can affect teeth, emphasising the role of the dentist in keeping teeth strong.

Cavity prevention

Introduce the concept of cavities and how regular dental check-ups help prevent them.

Choose the Right Timing

Selecting an appropriate time for the appointment can significantly impact your child’s experience.

Morning appointments

Schedule the visit when your child is well-rested and alert, typically in the morning hours.

Avoid rushed visits

Allow plenty of time before and after the appointment to prevent stress and hurry.

Prepare for Potential Challenges

Anticipate possible difficulties and plan strategies to overcome them.

Comfort objects

Allow your child to bring a favourite toy or blanket for added security during the visit.

Positive reinforcement

Consider offering a small, non-food reward after the appointment to encourage good behaviour and create positive associations with dental visits.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your child’s first dental visit is a positive experience, setting the stage for a lifetime of good oral health habits. Remember, your calm and supportive attitude will greatly influence your child’s perception of dental care.

Are baby teeth really important if they're going to fall out anyway

The Crucial Role of Primary Teeth

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth or deciduous teeth, play a vital role in a child’s development despite their temporary nature. A children’s dentist will emphasise their importance for various reasons.

Proper nutrition

Healthy baby teeth are essential for chewing food properly, ensuring your child receives adequate nutrition for growth and development.

Speech development

Primary teeth are crucial for correct speech formation. They help children articulate sounds clearly, which is vital for language development.

Paediatric Dental Health and Permanent Teeth

The health of baby teeth directly impacts the development and placement of permanent teeth.

Space maintainers

Primary teeth act as natural space maintainers, guiding permanent teeth into their proper positions as they erupt.

Oral health foundation

Maintaining healthy baby teeth establishes good oral hygiene habits that carry into adulthood, promoting lifelong dental health.

Preventing Early Childhood Caries

Neglecting baby teeth can lead to early childhood caries (ECC), a severe form of tooth decay in young children.

Pain and discomfort

Untreated decay in primary teeth can cause significant pain, affecting a child’s ability to eat, sleep, and concentrate in school.

Systemic health risks

Dental infections in baby teeth can spread to other parts of the body, potentially leading to more serious health issues.

The Impact on Social Development

Healthy baby teeth contribute to a child’s social and emotional well-being.

Self-esteem boost

A bright, healthy smile helps children feel confident in social situations, positively impacting their self-image.

Avoiding dental anxiety

Positive experiences with baby teeth care can prevent dental anxiety in later years, making future dental visits less stressful.

The Role of a Children’s Dentist in Primary Tooth Care

Regular visits to a paediatric dentist are crucial for maintaining the health of baby teeth.

Early intervention

A children’s dentist can identify and address potential issues early, preventing more serious problems in the future.

Preventive treatments

Paediatric dental care often includes preventive measures such as fluoride treatments and dental sealants to protect baby teeth from decay.

Economic Considerations of Baby Teeth Health

Proper care of primary teeth can have financial benefits in the long run.

Cost-effective prevention

Investing in the care of baby teeth is typically less expensive than treating dental problems that may arise from neglect.

Avoiding orthodontic complications

Healthy primary teeth can reduce the likelihood of needing extensive orthodontic treatment in the future, potentially saving on costly procedures.

Educating Parents on Baby Teeth Care

Paediatric dentists play a crucial role in educating parents about the importance of baby teeth care.

Oral hygiene instruction

Children’s dentists provide guidance on proper brushing techniques and oral care routines tailored to young children.

Dietary advice

Parents receive counselling on tooth-friendly diets and the impact of sugar on dental health to help protect baby teeth from decay.

Baby teeth are far more than just temporary placeholders. They are fundamental to a child’s overall health, development, and well-being. By recognising their importance and providing proper care, parents can set their children on the path to a lifetime of good oral health. Regular visits to a children’s dentist, coupled with diligent home care, ensure that baby teeth serve their crucial purpose effectively until it’s time for permanent teeth to take their place.

How can I encourage good oral hygiene habits in my child?

Start Early with Paediatric Dental Care

Establishing good oral hygiene habits from an early age is crucial for your child’s long-term dental health. A children’s dentist can provide valuable guidance on age-appropriate care.

First tooth, first visit

Schedule your child’s initial dental appointment when their first tooth appears or by their first birthday, whichever comes first.

Positive associations

Make early dental visits fun and rewarding to help your child develop a positive attitude towards oral care.

Make Brushing Fun and Engaging

Transform daily tooth brushing into an enjoyable activity that your child looks forward to.

Toothbrush selection

Let your child choose a toothbrush with their favourite character or colour to increase their enthusiasm for brushing.

Brushing apps

Utilise child-friendly smartphone apps that make brushing interactive and entertaining while ensuring proper technique and duration.

Lead by Example in Oral Care

Children often mimic their parents’ behaviour, so demonstrating good oral hygiene practices is essential.

Family brushing time

Brush your teeth alongside your child to reinforce the importance of regular oral care and to make it a shared family activity.

Positive language

Use encouraging words and praise your child’s efforts to maintain good oral hygiene, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Educate on Oral Health Importance

Help your child understand why taking care of their teeth and gums is crucial for their overall health.

Age-appropriate explanations

Use simple terms and visual aids to explain concepts like plaque, cavities, and gum health in a way your child can comprehend.

Dental health storybooks

Read books about dental care and visits to the dentist to familiarise your child with oral health concepts in an entertaining way.

Implement a Reward System

Create a positive reinforcement strategy to encourage consistent oral hygiene practices.

Sticker charts

Use a colourful chart where your child can place stickers for each day they brush and floss properly.

Non-food rewards

Offer small, tooth-friendly prizes or extra playtime for achieving oral care goals to avoid associating sweets with dental hygiene.

Incorporate Technology in Children’s Dental Care

Leverage modern technology to make oral hygiene more appealing and effective for your child.

Electric toothbrushes

Consider introducing an age-appropriate electric toothbrush, which can make brushing more exciting and often provides better plaque removal.

Timer tools

Use digital timers or smartphone apps to ensure your child brushes for the recommended two minutes.

Promote a Tooth-Friendly Diet

Encourage healthy eating habits that support good oral health alongside regular brushing and flossing.

Sugar awareness

Teach your child about the effects of sugar on teeth and help them identify hidden sugars in foods and drinks.

Healthy snack options

Offer tooth-friendly snacks like crunchy vegetables, cheese, and nuts to promote oral health between meals.

Regular Visits to a Children’s Dentist

Maintain a consistent schedule of dental check-ups to reinforce the importance of oral health.

Preventive care

Regular visits allow for professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, and early detection of potential issues.

Dental education

Paediatric dentists can provide age-appropriate oral health education and address any concerns your child may have.

Adapt Oral Care to Your Child’s Age

Tailor your approach to oral hygiene as your child grows and develops.

Supervised brushing

Assist with brushing until your child has developed the dexterity to do it effectively on their own, usually around age 7 or 8.

Flossing introduction

Gradually introduce flossing as your child’s teeth begin to fit closely together, typically around age 2 or 3.

Encouraging good oral hygiene habits in children requires patience, creativity, and consistency. By making dental care fun, educational, and a regular part of your family routine, you can help your child develop lifelong habits that promote excellent oral health. Remember, the support of a trusted children’s dentist can be invaluable in this journey, providing professional guidance and care tailored to your child’s unique needs.

What types of treatments are available for children with dental anxiety?

Behaviour Management Techniques

Paediatric dentists are trained in various behaviour management strategies to help anxious children feel more comfortable during dental visits.


This technique involves explaining a procedure, demonstrating it on a model or toy, and then performing it on the child, helping to demystify the process.

Positive reinforcement

Children’s dentists use praise and small rewards to encourage cooperative behaviour and build confidence during dental procedures.

Creating a Child-Friendly Environment

Many dental practices specialising in children’s care design their spaces to be welcoming and less intimidating for young patients.

Colourful décor

Bright, cheerful colours and child-friendly themes can help distract and calm anxious children in the waiting room and treatment areas.

Play areas

Designated play spaces with toys and games can help children associate the dental office with fun rather than fear.

Distraction Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry

Keeping a child’s mind occupied during treatment can significantly reduce anxiety and improve cooperation.

Audio-visual distractions

Many children’s dental practices offer televisions or tablets with headphones, allowing patients to watch cartoons or listen to music during procedures.

Guided imagery

A children’s dentist might use storytelling or imagination exercises to help the child mentally escape to a more relaxing place during treatment.

Sedation Options for Anxious Children

In cases of severe anxiety or for complex procedures, sedation may be recommended under the guidance of a specialised paediatric dentist.

Nitrous oxide

Also known as “laughing gas,” this mild sedative helps children relax while remaining conscious and able to respond to the dentist.

Oral sedation

For moderate anxiety, a children’s dentist might prescribe an oral medication to be taken before the appointment, inducing a state of calm.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Approaches

Some dental practices collaborate with child psychologists to offer CBT techniques tailored for dental anxiety.

Coping strategies

Children learn specific techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to manage their anxiety during dental visits.

Exposure therapy

Gradual exposure to dental procedures in a controlled, supportive environment can help children overcome their fears over time.

Parent Involvement in Children’s Dental Care

Paediatric dentists often encourage parent participation to help alleviate a child’s anxiety.

Pre-visit preparation

Dentists provide guidance to parents on how to prepare their child for dental visits, including role-playing and positive discussions about oral health.

Presence during treatment

Some children feel more secure with a parent present during the procedure, while others may behave better independently. Children’s dentists can advise on the best approach for each child.

Advanced Technology in Paediatric Dentistry

Modern dental technologies can make treatments less invasive and more comfortable for anxious children.

Laser dentistry

Some procedures can be performed using dental lasers, which are often quieter and less intimidating than traditional drills.

Digital X-rays

These are faster and more comfortable than traditional X-rays, reducing the time a child needs to sit still and potentially feel anxious.

Pharmacological Interventions

In some cases, medication may be necessary to manage severe dental anxiety in children.

Conscious sedation

For more complex procedures or highly anxious children, intravenous sedation administered by a qualified anaesthetist may be recommended.

General anaesthesia

In rare cases, usually for extensive treatment or children with special needs, general anaesthesia might be considered under hospital conditions.

Addressing dental anxiety in children requires a multifaceted approach, combining compassionate care, psychological techniques, and, when necessary, appropriate medical interventions. A skilled children’s dentist will assess each child’s individual needs and tailor their approach accordingly. By utilising these various treatments and techniques, many children can overcome their dental fears, paving the way for a lifetime of good oral health. Parents should discuss their concerns with a paediatric dental specialist to determine the most suitable approach for their child’s specific situation.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

Safety of Modern Dental X-rays

Dental X-rays are generally considered safe for children when used appropriately. Modern technology has significantly reduced radiation exposure, making the benefits outweigh the minimal risks involved.

Low radiation doses

Today’s dental X-ray machines emit extremely low levels of radiation, often comparable to the amount of radiation a person is naturally exposed to in a single day from environmental sources.

Digital radiography

Many children’s dentists now use digital X-rays, which require even less radiation than traditional film X-rays whilst providing high-quality images for accurate diagnoses.

Protective Measures in Paediatric Dentistry

Children’s dentists employ various safety measures to minimise radiation exposure during X-ray procedures.

Lead aprons

Protective lead aprons and thyroid collars are used to shield the child’s body from scattered radiation, focusing the X-ray beam only on the area of interest.

Targeted imaging

Paediatric dentists use precise techniques to capture only the necessary areas, reducing overall exposure and enhancing diagnostic accuracy.

Frequency and Necessity of X-rays

The frequency of dental X-rays for children is determined based on individual risk factors and oral health status.

Risk-based approach

Children’s dentists assess each patient’s need for X-rays based on factors such as age, dental history, and risk of decay or other oral health issues.

Bitewing X-rays

These common diagnostic tools are typically recommended every 6-12 months for children with a high risk of tooth decay, but less frequently for those with good oral health.

Benefits of Dental X-rays for Children

X-rays play a crucial role in maintaining children’s oral health by allowing early detection and prevention of various dental issues.

Decay detection

X-rays can reveal small cavities between teeth or under existing fillings that are not visible during a visual examination.

Orthodontic planning

Dental X-rays help children’s dentists assess tooth development and alignment, aiding in the early identification of potential orthodontic needs.

Advancements in Paediatric Dental Imaging

Ongoing technological improvements continue to enhance the safety and effectiveness of dental X-rays for children.

3D imaging

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) provides detailed 3D images of teeth and surrounding structures, often with lower radiation doses than multiple traditional X-rays.

Radiation dose optimisation

Children’s dentists are trained to use the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) when determining the need for and frequency of dental X-rays.

Addressing Parental Concerns

Children’s dentists understand that parents may have concerns about X-ray safety and are prepared to address these worries.

Open communication

Paediatric dental professionals encourage parents to discuss their concerns and provide detailed explanations about the necessity and safety of X-rays.

Alternative options

In some cases, children’s dentists may suggest alternative diagnostic methods or postpone X-rays if the benefits do not outweigh the minimal risks for a particular patient.

Regulatory Guidelines for Paediatric Dental X-rays

Dental practices in the UK adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the safe use of X-rays in children’s dentistry.

ICRP recommendations

The International Commission on Radiological Protection provides guidelines that UK dental practices follow to minimise radiation exposure.

Equipment maintenance

Regular quality assurance checks and maintenance of X-ray equipment are mandatory to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Dental X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool in children’s dentistry when used judiciously. The minimal radiation exposure from modern dental X-rays is considered safe and is far outweighed by the benefits of early detection and prevention of dental problems. Children’s dentists are committed to using X-rays responsibly, employing the latest technology and safety measures to protect their young patients. Parents should feel comfortable discussing any concerns with their child’s dentist to understand the necessity and safety protocols of dental X-rays in their child’s specific case.

How can I prevent tooth decay in my child's teeth?

Establish a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine

A regular oral care regimen is crucial for preventing tooth decay in children. Paediatric dentists recommend starting good habits early to protect developing teeth.

Twice-daily brushing

Ensure your child brushes their teeth for two minutes, twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste appropriate for their age.


Introduce flossing once your child’s teeth begin to touch, typically around age 2-3, to remove plaque and food particles between teeth.

Choose the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Selecting age-appropriate oral care tools is essential for effective plaque removal and cavity prevention.

Soft-bristled brushes

Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush designed for children to gently clean teeth and gums without causing irritation.

Fluoride content

Follow your children’s dentist’s recommendations for fluoride toothpaste use, typically starting with a smear for under-3s and a pea-sized amount for older children.

Maintain a Tooth-Friendly Diet

What your child eats plays a significant role in their oral health. A balanced diet can help prevent tooth decay and promote overall dental well-being.

Limit sugary snacks

Reduce the frequency of sugary foods and drinks, especially between meals, to minimise acid attacks on tooth enamel.

Calcium-rich foods

Incorporate dairy products and leafy greens into your child’s diet to strengthen tooth enamel and support healthy jaw development.

Utilise Preventive Dental Treatments

Children’s dentists offer various preventive treatments to help protect your child’s teeth from decay.

Dental sealants

These thin, protective coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth to seal out decay-causing bacteria and food particles.

Fluoride varnish

Professional fluoride applications can strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria.

Schedule Regular Paediatric Dental Check-ups

Routine visits to a children’s dentist are crucial for maintaining good oral health and catching potential issues early.

Bi-annual examinations

Book dental check-ups every six months to monitor your child’s oral health and address any concerns promptly.

Professional cleanings

Regular scale and polish treatments remove plaque and tartar build-up that regular brushing might miss.

Promote Proper Hydration

Encouraging your child to drink water throughout the day can significantly impact their oral health.

Saliva production

Water helps stimulate saliva flow, which naturally cleanses the mouth and neutralises harmful acids.

Fluoridated tap water

If you live in an area with fluoridated water, drinking tap water can provide additional protection against tooth decay.

Address Thumb-Sucking and Pacifier Use

Prolonged sucking habits can affect tooth alignment and potentially increase the risk of decay.

Gradual weaning

Work with your children’s dentist to develop strategies for gently discouraging thumb-sucking or pacifier use as your child grows.

Orthodontic concerns

Be aware that persistent sucking habits may lead to orthodontic issues, which could indirectly impact your child’s ability to clean their teeth effectively.

Educate Your Child on Oral Health

Empowering your child with knowledge about their oral health can motivate them to take better care of their teeth.

Interactive learning

Use age-appropriate books, apps, or games to teach your child about the importance of oral hygiene and how to prevent cavities.

Lead by example

Demonstrate good oral care habits yourself and make dental hygiene a positive family activity.

Preventing tooth decay in children requires a multifaceted approach combining good home care, a healthy diet, and regular professional dental care. By implementing these strategies and working closely with your children’s dentist, you can help ensure your child develops strong, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Remember that each child’s needs may vary, so it’s essential to consult with your paediatric dental professional for personalised advice and care.

What should I do if my child chips or knocks out a tooth?

Immediate Response to Dental Trauma

When your child experiences dental trauma, quick action is crucial. Knowing how to respond can significantly improve the outcome.

Stay calm

Remain composed to help your child stay calm. Assess the situation quickly and reassure your child that everything will be alright.

Control bleeding

If there’s bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth or gauze to the affected area.

Handling a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth requires prompt attention but is usually not as urgent as a knocked-out tooth.

Rinse the mouth

Have your child rinse their mouth with lukewarm water to clean the area and assess the extent of the damage.

Preserve the fragment

If you can find the chipped piece of tooth, store it in milk or saline solution. A children’s dentist may be able to reattach it.

Managing a Knocked-Out Tooth

Time is of the essence when dealing with an avulsed (knocked-out) tooth. The actions you take in the first 30 minutes are critical.

Locate the tooth

Find the knocked-out tooth quickly, handling it only by the crown (the part usually visible in the mouth), not the root.

Gentle cleaning

If the tooth is dirty, rinse it gently with milk or saline solution. Avoid using water as it can damage the root cells.

Reimplantation of a Knocked-Out Tooth

In some cases, you may be able to reinsert the tooth yourself, but this should only be done with permanent teeth, not baby teeth.

Correct orientation

If attempting reimplantation, ensure the tooth is facing the right way. Never force it into the socket.

Bite on gauze

If successfully reinserted, have your child gently bite down on a clean piece of gauze to hold the tooth in place.

Preserving a Knocked-Out Tooth

If reimplantation isn’t possible or advisable, proper storage of the tooth is crucial until you can reach a children’s dentist.

Milk storage

The best storage medium is cold milk. Place the tooth in a small container of milk, ensuring it’s fully submerged.

Saline solution

If milk isn’t available, use a saline solution or saliva (have your child spit into a container) as alternatives.

Seeking Immediate Dental Care

After initial first aid, it’s essential to seek professional dental care as soon as possible.

Emergency appointment

Contact your children’s dentist immediately for an emergency appointment. Many practices offer after-hours care for such situations.

Urgent care centres

If your regular dentist is unavailable, head to an urgent dental care centre or hospital emergency department.

Follow-Up Care and Monitoring

After initial treatment, ongoing care and observation are important for your child’s dental health.

Pain management

Follow your paediatric dentist’s advice on pain relief medications and cold compresses to manage discomfort.

Soft diet

Encourage your child to eat soft foods and avoid biting on the affected area until fully healed.

Preventing Future Dental Injuries

Taking preventive measures can help reduce the risk of future dental trauma.


If your child plays sports, invest in a custom-fitted mouthguard from your children’s dentist to protect their teeth.

Safety measures

Encourage safe play and the use of protective gear like helmets when engaging in activities with a risk of facial injury.

Dental emergencies can be stressful, but knowing how to respond can make a significant difference in the outcome. Remember that time is crucial, especially with knocked-out teeth. Always keep your children’s dentist’s contact information readily available, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help immediately. With prompt action and proper care, many dental injuries can be successfully treated, helping to preserve your child’s smile and oral health.

When should my child start using fluoride toothpaste?

Introduction to Fluoride Toothpaste for Children

Fluoride toothpaste plays a crucial role in preventing tooth decay and promoting oral health in children. The timing of its introduction is important for optimal benefits and safety.

Early prevention

Children’s dentists recommend introducing fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first tooth appears, typically around 6 months of age.

Tailored approach

The amount and concentration of fluoride toothpaste should be adjusted based on the child’s age and individual risk factors for dental caries.

Fluoride Toothpaste Use for Infants (0-3 years)

For the youngest children, a cautious approach to fluoride toothpaste use is recommended to balance its benefits with safety considerations.

Smear technique

Use a thin smear of toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice, for children under 3 years old.

Low-fluoride options

Choose toothpaste specifically formulated for infants, which typically contains lower fluoride concentrations (usually around 1000ppm fluoride).

Fluoride Toothpaste for Pre-schoolers (3-6 years)

As children grow and develop better control over their swallowing reflex, the amount of fluoride toothpaste can be increased.

Pea-sized portion

Increase the amount of toothpaste to a pea-sized blob for children aged 3-6 years.

Supervision importance

A children’s dentist will emphasise the need for parental supervision during brushing to ensure proper technique and prevent excessive swallowing of toothpaste.

Fluoride Concentration Guidelines

The fluoride concentration in toothpaste is a key factor in its effectiveness and safety for children.

Age-appropriate strengths

Follow the recommendations of your paediatric dentist regarding the appropriate fluoride concentration for your child’s age and risk level.

NHS guidelines

The NHS recommends toothpaste containing no less than 1000ppm fluoride for children under 3, and 1350ppm-1500ppm fluoride for children over 3 years old.

Addressing Concerns About Fluoride Use

Some parents may have concerns about fluoride use in young children. It’s important to address these with accurate information.

Fluorosis risk

While excessive fluoride intake can lead to dental fluorosis, using the correct amount of toothpaste as recommended by a children’s dentist minimises this risk.

Balance of benefits

The protective benefits of fluoride against tooth decay significantly outweigh the minimal risks when used as directed.

Incorporating Fluoride into Overall Oral Care

Fluoride toothpaste is just one aspect of a comprehensive oral care routine for children.

Brushing technique

Teach your child to spit out excess toothpaste after brushing rather than rinsing, to maintain the fluoride’s protective effect on the teeth.

Dietary considerations

Combine fluoride toothpaste use with a balanced diet low in sugary foods and drinks to maximise cavity prevention.

Professional Guidance from a Children’s Dentist

Regular dental check-ups are essential for personalised advice on fluoride use and overall oral health.

Individual assessment

Your paediatric dentist can evaluate your child’s specific needs and adjust fluoride recommendations accordingly.

Supplemental fluoride

In some cases, additional fluoride treatments may be recommended based on your child’s cavity risk and the fluoride content in your local water supply.

The introduction of fluoride toothpaste is a significant milestone in your child’s oral health journey. By following the age-appropriate guidelines and working closely with your children’s dentist, you can harness the protective power of fluoride while ensuring safe usage. Remember that every child is unique, and these recommendations may be adjusted based on individual circumstances. Regular dental visits will help ensure that your child’s fluoride use and overall oral care routine are optimised for their specific needs, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

For more information regarding this treatment

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"I always feel comfortable; the whole team are always very friendly. I experienced the wand recently which I would highly..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
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"I haven't been blessed with the most perfect teeth in the world. Fillings, caps, bridges and crowns are the only things..."

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Clive Francis

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"I have had some bad experiences in the past with other dentists and practices but it’s hard to find fault with Aesthet..."

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Conor Sammon

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Our patients mean
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"Brilliant practice... Just had the Inman Alignment Procedure and whitening - and they've done a fantastic job. Couldn't..."

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Joel Hicks

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Our patients mean
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"Really pleased with how white my teeth are after coming here. My husband told me to get it sorted as they've been discol..."

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Victoria Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Loving the results of the smile makeover and veneers and would have no doubt about returning for any kind of repeat trea..."

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Antoinette Daley

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Our patients mean
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"Yesterday I was at the dentist having the first part of my implants put in place. The staff were very kind and really lo..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
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"I was worried about having a crown fitted and a couple of fillings but found the whole experience a lot better than I th..."

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Our patients mean
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"I came back to the dentist after a while as they promised to do another crown for me because of the first bad crown I ha..."

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Our patients mean
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"I feel really proud of my front tooth after a number of years neglecting it. It basically had a fractured root and my us..."

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Tina Harris

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Our patients mean
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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 2 years now after an incident that resulted in the roots holding my 20 y..."

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Alistair Stewart

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Our patients mean
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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 7 years now, I travel from derby and I’ve had very comfortable treatme..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""I came to Aesthetic Smiles as I had an issue with my front teeth after falling off my bike when I was a child and it pu..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Unfortunately I had a couple of missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene when I was a younger. Having looked at my options..."

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Gilly F

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Our patients mean
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"Overall a great practice, helpful reception staff, dentist come across knowledgeable and therefore made you feel like yo..."

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May K

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Our patients mean
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"The team at Aesthetic Smiles are really great at putting me at ease and answering all my questions. I’ve had a few pro..."

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Lucy Stevens

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Great service. Very clean and modern clinic with cutting edge equipment. Highly recommend."

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William Adams

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"Good communication and workmanship. I have never felt like I’m being pushed into having treatment I don't need and fee..."

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Phillip Layton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"It was an excellent treatment I really appreciated thank you very much Aesthetic Smiles."

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Mohammad Ahmed

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Our patients mean
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"Was brilliant best dental experience I've had by far."

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Jason Green

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Our patients mean
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"The patient centred approach at aesthetic smiles is essential to me and the main reason I chose to go on their books aft..."

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Allan Bowman

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Our patients mean
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"I have been with this practice since the start and the treatment I have received is better than all the previous dental..."

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Peter Bailey

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Every problem I have had with my teeth has been dealt with speedily and efficiently. The dentist and staff always give f..."

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Paul W

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Our patients mean
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"I can only but commend the level of service and treatment provided. Whether it be to book an appointment, go in for a ch..."

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you to all the fantastic team at aesthetic smiles today, your care of my daughter today was first class right from..."

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Julie Toony-Faulknall

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you so much to everyone for being so good to me 100% recommended brilliant service."

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Lynnie Heal

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"A very nice dentist practice. Made very welcome and take all your fears away as soon as you sit in the chair. All the st..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
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"I’ve been with this dentist since it was opened and always makes you feel very comfortable in the chair pleasant surro..."

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Arlene Ray Love

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Our patients mean
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"I don't usually leave reviews but I thought I should as my appointment at the dentist couldn't have been better! It was..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have no hesitation in recommending as I've been a patient for a few years now. Some procedures have been lengthy but a..."

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Our patients mean
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"A visit to the dentist is something most of us dread but Aesthetic Smiles do their upmost to make it as pleasant as poss..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have used this surgery for many years and have always found the staff to be both friendly and extremely efficient, and..."

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Our patients mean
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"Another efficient and effective visit today, I rang for an appointment earlier in the week due to an edge of a filling t..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was initially feeling quite stressed and apprehensive before visiting the Aesthetics smiles spa. But once there I foun..."

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Pat Cosgrove

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Our patients mean
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"Greeted by friendly staff when arrived for my appointment. They informed me of the paperwork I needed to complete and an..."

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Our patients mean
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"I always feel relaxed when visiting Aesthetic Smiles. All the staff are friendly and has a calming influence whilst givi..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have been with this dentist for a number of years, they must be the best in the business as I have never had any worri..."

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Arlene Andray

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Our patients mean
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"Having been with this practice since it took over from my long time previous dentist I am happy to report that it is sti..."

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Our patients mean
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"I’d noticed my gums had been receding for some time but didn’t act on it which gave me further problems. The clinic..."

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Lewis P

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The team here are clearly highly organized and know how to care for a customer. I’m always greeted in a dead polite wa..."

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Becca W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Just had a couple of teeth out at the same time. I was told that it wouldn't hurt and guess what.... it didn't..... I wa..."

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Cee Dee

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Extremely good service. All the staff were friendly and polite, the dentists and dental assistants were really nice. I h..."

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Kaela Roebuck-Wilson

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my operation but was surprised; I was made to feel very comfortable and treated with res..."

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Derek Goodwin

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have recently had a tooth removed at this dentist and I am very happy with how the surgery went, prior to arriving at..."

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Nick Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’m a very nervous patient and was referred to Aesthetic Smiles in order to have a double extraction under sedation. I..."

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Darren Merry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Appointment booked to have wisdom teeth extracted after being referred from my dentist. Service was very polite & profes..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred to Aesthetic Smile by my NHS dentist to have a molar root extracted. I was told it could take up to five..."

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Stephen Lake

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Words cannot express how impressed I was with the treatment that I received at aesthetic smiles dental spa yesterday. Th..."

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Our patients mean
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"For the procedure I was late! But I was seen quickly as I was the last appointment I think. They were kind, explained ev..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for a wisdom tooth extraction. I was very nervous. On my 1st appointment I was on my own an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for what looked like a difficult wisdom tooth extraction. Having had a lifelong fear of the..."

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Our patients mean
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"I am a very nervous patient and have a phobia of the dentist. I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles by my own dentist in or..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Filling in the paperwork took longer than the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. I'd been referred to Aesthetic Smi..."

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Martin Ashby

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday and your professionalism whilst taking out my wisdom tooth. I was a little..."

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Louise Knapp

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Our patients mean
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"Brilliant, I couldn't manage the stairs because I was 8 weeks post op after having a knee replacement operation, not a p..."

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Averill Neale

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetics smiles on fosse road by my dentist to carry out a difficult extraction. I was greeted by a..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have now had 3 wisdom teeth removed at Aesthetic Smiles and can honestly say that the procedures could not have been c..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Thank you to all the staff for a speedy, pain free and professional extraction. Both the dentist and two nurses were inc..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was told 12years ago that I would have problems with my wisdom teeth and advised at that point to have them removed. I..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to this practise for 2 reasons: it was likely to be a difficult tooth for my own dentist to remove and I..."

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Pauline Annis

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my regular dentist as I am petrified of dentists and could not go through anything without sedation. T..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my dentist and the treatment I received to be honest I wish this was my dentist. First class treatment..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Couldn't fault my visit. Punctual, friendly, professional and a pain free wisdom extraction. I was very nervous about ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would recommend Aesthetic Smiles to everybody. I was treated so well from the minute I walked through the door. I had..."

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Margaret Braithwaite

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Referred by own dentist for difficult extraction. Appointment in less than 24 hrs, very professional and competent servi..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I went for a tooth extraction. Fully satisfied with the procedure and after-care information and procedures."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was first referred by my dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a difficult extraction (which went well). I was told by my de..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Usually hate the dentist, but had 2 teeth removed in about 15 minutes here and felt nothing. I would recommend this plac..."

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Hannah Birch

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I cannot fault the service at all. Excellent from start to finish. Lost my appointment details, contacted them by email..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am completely phobic of the dentist, but after 4 years of living with 2 broken teeth I had to have something done abou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The best dental practice I've been to in fifty odd years. I was amazed at how friendly and supportive the team were. I h..."

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David R

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""just had a tooth out today, no pain, friendly efficient staff, everything explained very well, even the décor was plea..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have not been to see a dentist for over 5years I am terrified, when I was told I need a tooth removed I was so scared,..."

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June Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my wisdom tooth out but after receiving outstanding care by all staff I was soon very re..."

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Our patients mean
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"My daughter hates needles, she has ADHD and I've witnessed her having to be held down whilst having injections in the pa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"QuoteI had not been to a dentist for many years due to a fear of dental treatment. Aesthetic Smiles treated me with kind..."

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Cathy murphy

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Very pleased with the service you provided. Friendly atmosphere and good organization. Put me at ease. My treatment was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Friendly helpful staff put you at ease straight away. Great clean premises and rooms. Good after treatment advice. I wou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Treatment was fantastic, I worried for almost 10 weeks about having a wisdom tooth extracted and it was all over in less..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had been referred to this clinic for a tooth removal. On arriving I was made welcome and being a bit nervous about the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my own dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a tooth extraction 29/12/14, the reception is very comfortable..."

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Sean Barry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I visited my dentist who tried to take my tooth out on the Tuesday but only got the top part off, and so I was referred..."

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Sheryl Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Not only do I loathe going to the dentist (who doesn’t) but I suffer with MS, am very nervous of injections, and the p..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been to your dental surgery a few times now and I am completely satisfied with the treatment I've received. Today..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was put at ease straight away, where everything that was going to happen was explained in detail. After the initial in..."

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Stephen Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My usual dentist referred me to this practice for a difficult tooth extraction. I was warned about having to cut into th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was sent to Aesthetic Smiles by my Dentist because I can be nervous. The staff and dentist were superb and made me fee..."

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Jay M

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist to receive further treatment. The service and treatment were excellent and I was kept up to..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetic smile by my dentist for an extraction that required a specialist, from walking into the surg..."

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Imraan Messiah

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who is anxious about the dentist I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles for extensive work. The whole team are ca..."

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Maz Cave

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Considering I am totally freaked out by having to visit a dentist, at my initial visit I was very apprehensive as to wha..."

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Barbara Moore

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Hi My name is Dawn and I am 43yrs young for very many years I have wanted to rectify my smile and replace my crowns but..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have never liked my visits to the dentist's chair in all the years I have attended. All of the staff at Aesthetic Smil..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who cannot stand going to the dentist, going to Aesthetic Smiles has always been a relief. The staff are alwa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had a completely pain free filling today using the new 'Wand' treatment, it was absolutely brilliant and I can honestl..."

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Lesley Orriss

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am terrified of dentist so sort this dentist out due to sedation for some major work I needed doing!! I have to say ab..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"After visiting Aesthetic Smiles for a root extraction, I am no longer scared to go to the Dentist. I feel like a new man..."

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Stephen Severn

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would tell anyone who has a fear of dental treatment to come here as I suffered badly but have had lots of treatment &..."

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Lynda Page

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I'm terrified of having dental work done. I was almost physically ill before walking into the room. These fears were..."

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Matthew Hutton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve always been a nervous patient right from being a child and it got worse the older I got, I was petrified just get..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For many years I had a phobia of just going to the dentist for a check-up due to my gag reflex and general fear of them,..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The journey of finding a dentist I could trust was actually more difficult than the treatment itself. But once I found D..."

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